Advanced Panels Mod (with Sessions Panel)
@schreck That’s a bad note, because at some point your Vivaldi will fail because
is outdated. Do yourself a favor and use one of the pinned scripts which patch Vivaldi automatically. -
Any reason you don't just hook up to the required module and patch via monkey patch? This way the render cycle would be easier to manage and in sync with the rest of rendered components.
Here's my process.
In the Vivaldi folder, which is just before the path you gave in your post, I created a new folder to hold my javascript mods, and a copy of browser.html that's been modified to reference my *.js files. I keep my CSS mods elsewhere. One benefit of doing this is that I avoid two undesirable results; either 1) there's an orphaned path for the old version that didn't get removed during upgrade, or 2) it did get removed along with my javascript mods that I want to install in the new version.
After an upgrade, I go into the new version's resources path and create a copy of the new browser.html file. Then I copy all the *.js files and my modified browser.html file into the resources folder, overwriting the new broswer.html file. I run a diff on my browser.html & the copy of the new browser.html files. This is useful to verify that the only differences are the lines that reference my javascript files. It's rare, but sometimes there are changes to browser.html, which are easily merged into my browser.html file using the diff tool (which of course would need to be merged into my source file in the folder I created at the beginning.
Then I just need to restart Vivaldi if it's running to pick up the changes and run my mods. I could of course script most of this process, I just haven't gotten around to it yet as it's not such a big task that it bothers me; the amount of time spent running the script would not be dramatically less than the time I spend executing 2 copy commands. That said, I intend to script it, eventually. I'll even have the script execute the diff, but it'll still require manual intervention to review the diff.
Honestly, it took a lot longer to write this up than it does to actually install the javascript mods. Hopefully it helps someone, especially those who may have assumed that browser.html didn't need to be reviewed for any changes from the previous version.
BoneTone -
I translated this advanced panel mode into Korean.
I'm uploading it because I thought it might be helpful for users in other countries who are not familiar with JavaScript to try to translate it. (Hangul is a particularly noticeable language if it's between English, so I think you'll be able to see which part to correct.)
I don't know if this is the right way because it's my first time posting on a forum!
And I am using a translator because I am not good at English.
Please excuse me!/* * Advanced Panels (a mod for Vivaldi) * Written by LonM * No Copyright Reserved */ (function advancedPanels(){ "use strict"; /** * Key is the ID of your advanced panel. This must be UNIQUE (across the whole vivaldi UI). If in doubt, append your name to ensure it is unique * You can use this ID as a #selector in the advancedPanels.css file * title: String, self explanatory * url: String, a UNIQUE (amongst web panels) vivaldi:// url that points to a non-existent page. You must add this as a web panel * switch: String of HTML, this will be set as the html in the panel switch button. E.g. an SVG * initialHTML: String of HTML, this will be used to fill in the panel with a skeleton of HTML to use * module: () => {onInit, onActivate} All necessary javascript should be included here. * onInit: () => void. This will be called AFTER the advanced panel DOM is added, but BEFORE onActivate is called. * onActivate: () => void. This will be called each time the advanced panel is opened AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER onInit. */ const CUSTOM_PANELS = { sessions_lonm: { title: "세션", url: "vivaldi://sessions", switch: `<span> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="5 0 10 10"> <path d="M7 2h6v1h-6v-1zm0 2h6v1h-6v-1zm0 2h6v1h-6v-1z"></path> </svg> </span>`, initialHTML: ` <div class="newSession"> <h2>새로운 세션</h2> <input type="text" placeholder="세션 이름" class="session-name"> <label><input type="checkbox" class="all-windows"><span>모든 창</span></label> <label><input type="checkbox" class="selected-tabs"><span>선택한 탭만</span></label> <input type="button" class="add-session" value="세션 추가"></input> </div> <div class="sortselector sortselector-compact"> <select class="sortselector-dropdown" title="정렬" tabindex="-1"> <option value="visitTime">날짜순 정렬</option> <option value="title">이름순 정렬</option> </select> <button class="sortselector-button direction-descending" title="오름차순 정렬" tabindex="-1"> <svg width="11" height="6" viewBox="0 0 11 6" xmlns=""> <path d="M5.5.133l.11-.11 4.456 4.456-1.498 1.497L5.5 2.91 2.432 5.976.934 4.48 5.39.022l.11.11z"></path> </svg> </button> <button class="sortselector-button direction-ascending selected" title="내림차순 정렬" tabindex="-1"> <svg width="11" height="6" viewBox="0 0 11 6" xmlns=""> <path d="M5.5.133l.11-.11 4.456 4.456-1.498 1.497L5.5 2.91 2.432 5.976.934 4.48 5.39.022l.11.11z"></path> </svg> </button> </div> <section class="sessionslist"> <ul> </ul> </section> <div class="modal-container"> <div class="confirm"> <p><span class="title"></span> 세션을 지우시겠습니까?</p> <button class="yes">⚠네</button> <button class="no">아니오</button> </div> </div> <template class="session_item"> <li> <div> <h3></h3> <span>만든 시각 <time></time></span> </div> <button class="open_new" title="새 창에서 열기"> <svg viewBox="0 0 26 26" xmlns=""> <path d="M21 6h-16v14h16v-14zm-11 2h2v2h-2v-2zm-3 0h2v2h-2v-2zm12 10h-12v-7h12v7zm0-8h-6v-2h6v2z"></path> </svg> </button> <button class="open_current" title="현재 창에서 열기"> <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 9h16v2h-16v-2zm0-4h8v4h-8v-4z"></path> <path opacity=".5" d="M9 5h7v3h-7z"></path> </svg> </button> <button class="delete" title="이 세션을 지우기"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 10 10"> <path d="M10.2.5l-.7-.7L5 4.3.5-.2l-.7.7L4.3 5-.2 9.5l.7.7L5 5.7l4.5 4.5.7-.7L5.7 5"></path> </svg> </button> </li> </template>`, module: function(){ /** * Get selected session names * @returns string array of names */ function getSelectedSessionNames(){ const selections = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("#sessions_lonm li.selected")); return => x.getAttribute("data-session-name")); } /** * Open a session after its corresponding list item is clicked * @param e click event * REMARK: Hide the confirm box if it is open * REMARK: If click was on a button, just ignore it */ function listItemClick(e){ if(isButton({ return; } if(e.ctrlKey){ e.currentTarget.classList.toggle("selected"); } else { const oldselect = document.querySelectorAll("#sessions_lonm li.selected"); oldselect.forEach(item => item.classList.remove("selected")); e.currentTarget.classList.add("selected"); } document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .confirm").classList.remove("show"); } /** * Check if the target of a click is a button * @param target an event target */ function isButton(target){ const tag = target.tagName.toLowerCase(); return (tag==="button" && target.className==="delete") || (tag==="svg" && target.parentElement.className==="delete"); } /** * Add a new session * @param e button click event */ function newSessionClick(e){ let name = document.querySelector('#sessions_lonm .newSession input.session-name').value; const windows = document.querySelector('#sessions_lonm .newSession input.all-windows').checked; const selectedTabs = document.querySelector('#sessions_lonm .newSession input.selected-tabs').checked; const markedTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab.marked"); if(name===""){ name = new Date().toISOString().replace(":",".").replace(":","."); } vivaldi.windowPrivate.getCurrentId(window => { const options = { saveOnlyWindowId: windows ? 0 : window }; if(selectedTabs && markedTabs && markedTabs.length>0){ options.ids = Array.from(markedTabs).map(tab => Number("tab-", ""))); } vivaldi.sessionsPrivate.saveOpenTabs(name, options, ()=>{ document.querySelector('#sessions_lonm .newSession input.session-name').value = ""; document.querySelector('#sessions_lonm .newSession input.all-windows').checked = false; document.querySelector('#sessions_lonm .newSession input.selected-tabs').checked = false; updateList(); }); }); } /** * Change sort Order * @param e click event */ function sortOrderChange(e){ document.querySelectorAll("#sessions_lonm .sortselector-button").forEach(el => { el.classList.toggle("selected"); }); updateList(); } /** * Change sort Method * @param e click event */ function sortMethodChange(e){ updateList(); } /** * User clicked remove button * @param e click event */ function deleteClick(e){ const selectedSessions = getSelectedSessionNames(); if(selectedSessions.length === 1){ confirmMsg(selectedSessions[0]); } else { confirmMsg(selectedSessions.length + " selected sessions"); } } /** * Show the delete confirmation box with specified text * @param msg string to use */ function confirmMsg(msg){ document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .confirm .title").innerText = msg; document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .modal-container").classList.add("show"); } /** * User confirmed remove * @param e event * REMARK: Want to remove all and only update UI after final removal */ function deleteConfirmClick(e){ const selections = getSelectedSessionNames(); for (let i = 0; i < selections.length-1; i++) { vivaldi.sessionsPrivate.delete(selections[i],() => {}); } vivaldi.sessionsPrivate.delete(selections[selections.length-1], ()=>{ updateList(); }); } /** * User cancelled remove * @param e event */ function deleteCancelClick(e){ document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .modal-container").classList.remove("show"); } /** * User clicked open (current) button * @param e click event */ function openInCurrentWindowClick(e){ const selections = getSelectedSessionNames(); selections.forEach(item => { item, {openInNewWindow: false} ); }); } /** * User clicked open (new) button * @param e click event */ function oneInNewWindowClick(e){ const selections = getSelectedSessionNames(); selections.forEach(item => { item, {openInNewWindow: true} ); }); } /** * Generate a list item for a session object * @returns DOM list item */ function createListItem(session){ const template = document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm template.session_item"); const el = document.importNode(template.content, true); el.querySelector("h3").innerText =; const date = new Date(session.createDateJS); el.querySelector("time").innerText = date.toLocaleString(); el.querySelector("time").setAttribute("datetime", date.toISOString()); el.querySelector("li").addEventListener("click", listItemClick); el.querySelector(".open_new").addEventListener("click", oneInNewWindowClick); el.querySelector(".open_current").addEventListener("click", openInCurrentWindowClick); el.querySelector(".delete").addEventListener("click", deleteClick); el.querySelector("li").setAttribute("data-session-name",; return el; } /** * Sort the array of sessions * @param sessions array of session objects - unsorted * @returns sessions array of session objects - sorted */ function sortSessions(sessions){ const sortRule = document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .sortselector-dropdown").value; const sortDescending = document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .direction-descending.selected"); if(sortRule==="visitTime" && sortDescending){ sessions.sort((a,b) => {return a.createDateJS - b.createDateJS;}); } else if (sortRule==="visitTime" && !sortDescending) { sessions.sort((a,b) => {return b.createDateJS - a.createDateJS;}); } else if (sortRule==="title" && sortDescending) { sessions.sort((a,b) => {return;}); } else if (sortRule==="title" && !sortDescending) { sessions.sort((a,b) => {return;}); } return sessions; } /** * Create the dom list for the sessions * @param sessions The array of session objects (already sorted) * @returns DOM list of session items */ function createList(sessions){ const newList = document.createElement("ul"); sessions.forEach((session, index) => { const li = createListItem(session, index); newList.appendChild(li); }); return newList; } /** * Get the array of sessions and recreate the list in the panel */ function updateList(){ document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .modal-container").classList.remove("show"); const existingList = document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .sessionslist ul"); if(existingList){ existingList.parentElement.removeChild(existingList); } vivaldi.sessionsPrivate.getAll(items => { const sorted = sortSessions(items); const newList = createList(sorted); document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .sessionslist").appendChild(newList); }); } /** * Update the session listing on activation of panel */ function onActivate(){ updateList(); } /** * Add the sort listeners on creation of panel */ function onInit(){ document.querySelectorAll("#sessions_lonm .sortselector-button").forEach(el => { el.addEventListener("click", sortOrderChange); }); document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .sortselector-dropdown").addEventListener("change", sortMethodChange); document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .confirm .yes").addEventListener("click", deleteConfirmClick); document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .confirm .no").addEventListener("click", deleteCancelClick); document.querySelector("#sessions_lonm .newSession .add-session").addEventListener("click", newSessionClick); } return { onInit: onInit, onActivate: onActivate }; } } }; /** * Observe for changes to the UI, e.g. if panels are hidden by going in to fullscreen mode * This may require the panel buttons and panels to be re-converted * Also, observe panels container, if class changes to switcher, the webstack is removed */ const UI_STATE_OBSERVER = new MutationObserver(records => { convertWebPanelButtonstoAdvancedPanelButtons(); listenForNewPanelsAndConvertIfNecessary(); }); /** * Observe UI state changes */ function observeUIState(){ const classInit = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["class"] }; UI_STATE_OBSERVER.observe(document.querySelector("#browser"), classInit); UI_STATE_OBSERVER.observe(document.querySelector("#panels-container"), classInit); } const PANEL_STACK_CREATION_OBSERVER = new MutationObserver((records, observer) => { observer.disconnect(); listenForNewPanelsAndConvertIfNecessary(); }); /** * Start listening for new web panel stack children and convert any already open ones */ function listenForNewPanelsAndConvertIfNecessary(){ const panelStack = document.querySelector("#panels .webpanel-stack"); if(panelStack){ WEBPANEL_CREATE_OBSERVER.observe(panelStack, {childList: true}); const currentlyOpen = document.querySelectorAll(".webpanel-stack .panel"); currentlyOpen.forEach(convertWebPanelToAdvancedPanel); } else { const panels = document.querySelector("#panels"); PANEL_STACK_CREATION_OBSERVER.observe(panels, {childList: true}); } } /** * Observer that should check for child additions to web panel stack * When a new child is added (a web panel initialised), convert it appropriately */ const WEBPANEL_CREATE_OBSERVER = new MutationObserver(records => { records.forEach(record => { record.addedNodes.forEach(convertWebPanelToAdvancedPanel); }); }); /** * Webview loaded a page. This means the src has been initially set. * @param e load event */ function webviewLoaded(e){ e.currentTarget.removeEventListener("contentload", webviewLoaded); convertWebPanelToAdvancedPanel(e.currentTarget.parentElement.parentElement); } /** * Attempt to convert a web panel to an advanced panel. * First check if the SRC matches a registered value. * If so, call the advanced Panel Created method * @param node DOM node representing the newly added web panel (child of .webpanel-stack) * REMARK: Webview.src can add a trailing "/" to URLs * REMARK: When initially created the webview may have no src, * so we need to listen for the first src change */ function convertWebPanelToAdvancedPanel(node){ const addedWebview = node.querySelector("webview"); if(!addedWebview){ return; } if(!addedWebview.src){ addedWebview.addEventListener("contentload", webviewLoaded); return; } for(const key in CUSTOM_PANELS){ const panel = CUSTOM_PANELS[key]; const expectedURL = panel.url; if(addedWebview.src.startsWith(expectedURL)){ advancedPanelCreated(node, panel, key); break; } } } /** * Convert a web panel into an Advanced Panel™ * @param node the dom node added under web panel stack * @param panel the panel object descriptor * @param panelId the identifier (key) for the panel * REMARK: Vivaldi can instantiate some new windows with an * "empty" web panel containing nothing but the webview * REMARK: Can't simply call node.innerHTML as otherwise the * vivaldi UI will crash when attempting to hide the panel * REMARK: Check that the panel isn't already an advanced panel * before convert as this could be called after state change * REMARK: it may take a while for vivaldi to update the title of * a panel, therefore after it is terminated, the title may * change to aborted. Title changing should be briefly delayed */ function advancedPanelCreated(node, panel, panelID){ if(node.getAttribute("advancedPanel")){ return; } node.setAttribute("advancedPanel", "true"); node.querySelector("webview").terminate(); const newHTML = document.createElement("div"); newHTML.innerHTML = panel.initialHTML; node.appendChild(newHTML); = panelID; panel.module().onInit(); ADVANCED_PANEL_ACTIVATION.observe(node, {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["class"]}); if(node.querySelector("header.webpanel-header")){ advancedPanelOpened(node); setTimeout(() => {updateAdvancedPanelTitle(node);}, 500); } } /** * Observe attributes of an advanced panel to see when it becomes active */ const ADVANCED_PANEL_ACTIVATION = new MutationObserver(records => { records.forEach(record => { if("visible")){ advancedPanelOpened(; } }); }); /** * An advanced panel has been selected by the user and is now active * @param node DOM node of the advancedpanel activated */ function advancedPanelOpened(node){ updateAdvancedPanelTitle(node); const panel = CUSTOM_PANELS[]; panel.module().onActivate(); } /** * Update the header title of a panel * @param node DOM node of the advancedpanel activated */ function updateAdvancedPanelTitle(node){ const panel = CUSTOM_PANELS[]; node.querySelector("header.webpanel-header h1").innerHTML = panel.title; node.querySelector("header.webpanel-header h1").title = panel.title; } /** * Go through each advanced panel descriptor and convert the associated button */ function convertWebPanelButtonstoAdvancedPanelButtons(){ for(const key in CUSTOM_PANELS){ const panel = CUSTOM_PANELS[key]; let switchBtn = document.querySelector(`#switch button[title~="${panel.url}"`); if(!switchBtn){ switchBtn = document.querySelector(`#switch button[advancedPanelSwitch="${key}"`); if(!switchBtn){ console.warn(`Failed to find button for ${panel.title}`); continue; } } convertSingleButton(switchBtn, panel, key); } } /** * Set the appropriate values to convert a regular web panel switch into an advanced one * @param switchBtn DOM node for the #switch button being converted * @param panel The Advanced panel object description * @param id string id of the panel * REMARK: Check that the button isn't already an advanced panel button * before convert as this could be called after state change */ function convertSingleButton(switchBtn, panel, id){ if(switchBtn.getAttribute("advancedPanelSwitch")){ return; } switchBtn.title = panel.title; switchBtn.innerHTML = panel.switch; switchBtn.setAttribute("advancedPanelSwitch", id); } /** * Observe web panel switches. * REMARK: When one is added or removed, all of the web panels are recreated */ const WEB_SWITCH_OBSERVER = new MutationObserver(records => { convertWebPanelButtonstoAdvancedPanelButtons(); listenForNewPanelsAndConvertIfNecessary(); }); /** * Start observing for additions or removals of web panel switches */ function observePanelSwitchChildren(){ const panelSwitch = document.querySelector("#switch"); WEB_SWITCH_OBSERVER.observe(panelSwitch, {childList: true}); } /** * Initialise the mod. Checking to make sure that the relevant panel element exists first. */ function initMod(){ if(document.querySelector("#panels .webpanel-stack")){ observeUIState(); observePanelSwitchChildren(); convertWebPanelButtonstoAdvancedPanelButtons(); listenForNewPanelsAndConvertIfNecessary(); } else { setTimeout(initMod, 500); } } initMod(); })();
@dencion welcome to the forum, awesome first post!
Whatever translator you used is very good, because your post reads perfectly fine in English.
I can see how this would also make it easy for a person to scan to find the strings that need to be localized, and then translate them into the target language. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to abstract out each of these string into variables at the top of the code, which would then be extremely easy for folks to create various localized versions, especially after the original gets updated. But this certainly is helpful, for Koreans obviously, but when combined with the original, to localize for another language one could just do a diff of the two files as that would be faster still compared to a visual scan.
@dencion I don't read korean, but your translation looks very comprehensive!
There is just one string missing (it is my fault for not making it easy to find):
In English:
Are you sure you want to delete $N selected sessions?
The mod will replace
with a number bigger than 1, it is always plural.How would this be translated into korean?
@LonM Thank you for letting me know! The string can be translated as this:
선택한 $N개의 세션을 삭제하시겠습니까?
I'm glad I could help you! :DDD -
@dencion Thank you!
@everyone else I have now updated the original post with a new system which should make it easier to create and choose translations if anyone else wants any.
@LonM Can you fix delete_number_sessions to
선택한 $N개의 세션을 지우시겠습니까?
again? This translation seems more consistent. I'm sorry to bother you again! -
@LonM Thank you, great job as always.
it: { title: 'Sessioni', new_session: 'Nuova sessione', session_name_placeholder: 'Nome sessione', all_windows: 'Tutte le finestre', only_selected: 'Solo schede selezionate', add_session_btn: 'Aggiungi sessione', sort_title: 'Ordina per...', sort_date: 'Ordina per data', sort_name: 'Ordina per nome', sort_asc: 'Ordine crescente', sort_desc: 'Ordine decrescente', delete_button: 'Elimina questa sessione', delete_prompt: 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare $T?', delete_number_sessions: 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare $N sessioni selezionate?', delete_confirm: '⚠ Sì, Elimina', delete_abscond: 'No, non farlo.', time_created_label: 'Creata <time></time>', open_new_window: 'Apri in una nuova finestra', open_current: 'Apri nella finestra corrente' },
I attach the Italian translation, i tested it and it works well.
@dencion fixed
@Folgore101 updated the mod -
@LonM thanks a lot for the latest modifications. Here's the german translation, maybe you can add it to the script.
de: { title: 'Sitzungen', new_session: 'Neue Sitzung', session_name_placeholder: 'Name der Sitzung', all_windows: 'Alle Fenster', only_selected: 'Nur ausgewählte Tabs', add_session_btn: 'Sitzung hinzufügen', sort_title: 'Sortieren nach...', sort_date: 'Sortieren nach Datum', sort_name: 'Sortieren nach Namen', sort_asc: 'Aufsteigend sortieren', sort_desc: 'Absteigend sortieren', delete_button: 'Diese Sitzung löschen', delete_prompt: 'Wollen Sie $T wirklich löschen?', delete_number_sessions: 'Wollen Sie die $N ausgewählten Sitzungen wirklich löschen?', delete_confirm: '⚠ Ja, löschen', delete_abscond: 'Nein', time_created_label: 'Erstellt <time></time>', open_new_window: 'In neuem Fenster öffnen', open_current: 'Im aktuellen Fenster öffnen' },
@knoelli Thanks. Updated.
@LonM Whenever I open the sessions panel the browser turns blue and says Vivaldi encountered an error and crashed.
@code3 Are you using any other mods? What does the browser console say - are there any errors?
@LonM It seems to work in snapshot, even with my other mods installed so I guess it’s not your fault. I don’t think I can see the console after it crashes, but I will try to next time.
Here is the Japanese translation
ja: { title: 'セッション', new_session: '新しいセッション', session_name_placeholder: 'セッション名', all_windows: '全てのウィンドウ', only_selected: '選択したタブのみ', add_session_btn: 'セッションを保存', sort_title: '並べ替え...', sort_date: '日付で並べ替え', sort_name: 'セッション名で並べ替え', sort_asc: '昇順に並べ替え', sort_desc: '降順に並べ替え', delete_button: 'セッションを削除', delete_prompt: '$T を削除しますか?', delete_number_sessions: '選択した$N個のセッションを削除しますか?', delete_confirm: '⚠ 削除', delete_abscond: 'キャンセル', time_created_label: '作成日 <time></time>', open_new_window: '新しいウィンドウで開く', open_current: '現在のウィンドウで開く' },
@nkay1005 ありがとう!