Export Bookmark Nicknames
I am wondering, that nicknames are not exported. Why? This is valuable information, that is hard to restore, if you have lot of nicknames.
@zdm You can use the experimental Sync feature to share bookmarks with other computers.
- I have latest the Vivaldi, but don't see any sync settings or tools.
- In any case, I don't have other devices where I can install Vivaldi.
- Why not just add nicknames to file backup? This is not complex.
- Go to vivaldi://experiments to enable sync.
- Even if you have only one device it creates a backup in the cloud.
- That's the purpose of Feature Requests, but I don't know how complex it would be. Meanwhile you might want to know about workaround. You can also backup your bookmarks files in \UserData\Default\ to external media.
Thank you, I found how to backup files manually.
My profile was crashed suddenly yesterday.
So I want to start with clean profile with just my old bookmarks and search settings. -
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