Edit Search Engines from Search Field Context Menu
Chrome killed the keyword but made bookmarks useful again when they introduced 'Edit SEs' button on location bar. This feature is missing in V, and is not even assignable via shortcut or panels. There should be an easy way to get to it, 'specially that now we cannot import SEs from Chrome
- I have like a hundred SEs to import, and was ready to manually type in a few but would like to do it from location bar.
Reason being, most of the time, many sites' internal SEs are crap, even if they use google within, for eg. even chrome store, and I depend on ol' faithful (google) to search the site for me via a keyword search. -
Sorry, I'm not sure to understand exactly what you mean...
You can already add custom search engines based on search inputs in a web page, edit the URL / search string of any search engine, assign a keyword to use it in the location bar, etc...
From what I understand of your description, I have the feeling that the only difference is the "edit search engine" menu located in right click / context menu of location bar instead of going to "Tools->Settings" menu. Is this the only request? Or do I miss something?
@guilimote Well, apart from the fact that we cannot import SEs from Chrome, yes, thats the only thing. Why make things more difficult by removing a right-click-of-convenience ?? And on top of that, unable to assign a shortcut to SEs.
@rojaviv Chrome's default search engines are coded to promote Chrome and earn them income.
@ayespy I delete ALL default SEs. I am talking about custom SEs.
I give a &^* about a SE for NBC or the like. Firefox used to have this feature which they killed after they realized it wasn't making $.But the point is, if V can import SEs from Firefox, then why not from Chrome ??
@ayespy said in Edit Search Engines:
Chrome's default search engines are coded to promote Chrome and earn them income.
LOL wait - so you mean to say FF's and V's default SEs are not ?? C'mon !
@rojaviv I mean it's unlikely Vivaldi will be going to go out of their way to import a search engine that is encoded to inflate another browser's numbers. There's no percentage in it. I suppose it's possible to write a routine which could export the Web Data file from Chromium while stripping it of its promotional gateway coding, and then import that cleaned data (even including keywords) into Vivaldi. Seems harder to write than to visualize, but not impossible. So someday Vivaldi may enable you to import search engine settings from other browsers. Couldn't say when. Does not seem to be on anyone's radar.
This is the link that I get if I search for "Vivaldi" from Opera 51.
If I search from Vivaldi, I get instead:
From Firefox:
Well, apart from the fact that we cannot import SEs from Chrome, yes, thats the only thing.
Ok thanks! Maybe you could rename your request so it is clearer, then
But in fact, Ayespy has raised a good point: an automatic import could lead to promote and serve an other browser, and as a result have the opposite effect on Vivaldi...
Why make things more difficult by removing a right-click-of-convenience ??
I understand your point of view about convenience and settings access (even if editing generic preferences from the URL bar does not seem very logical to me, but that's personal) but it is not necessary "more difficult":
For example, the fact that you can open your search settings in a dedicated window (using the 'Tools' menu) can be an advantage: open it, drag it next to your browser window, and then go to all the webpages you're thinking about. You can add, edit, and do whatever you want to all the search engines, having both the pages side to side, making things easier and way faster when you switch from one to an other. Not even an other right click needed!-->And this is for "mass/bulk edition" of your search engines. But if you want to add a single one, you do it directly from a right click in the search box.
And on top of that, unable to assign a shortcut to SEs.
Sorry, but again, not really sure to understand what you're talking about. You can add a "nickname" to search engines in order to use it directly from url bar using a single letter, for example. Is it what you call "shortcut"?
I find it difficult to see how this would be any better than editing search engines in Settings, where you can already edit the URL, Name, and Nickname.
All a context menu in the Search Field could do would be to open the Settings on the Search Engines Tab.
If you're adding and editing multiple search engines at once, then just leave the settings dialogue open, add each search engine from the website, then do any editing and organising when you have added them all.
This seems to be something that only needs doing once.
@pesala said in Edit Search Engines from Search Field Context Menu:
This seems to be something that only needs doing once.
Thats true, and I am willing to overcome this limitation. One question though, I am trying to set 'a shortcut' to SE, so I add "vivaldi://settings/search/" in panels, but it keeps going to chrome settings. On the same lines, I am trying to add a keyboard shortcut to settings AND SEs - any way to do that ?
@rojaviv You can hit Alt+P to open the settings, or edit this shortcut. You can also hit the small icon at the bottom of the panels bar. But it does not open directly the "search" section.
I have the same behavior as you when adding search settings into a panel, that's a bit strange indeed
May be worth creating a bug report!
The only workaround is to use the settings window in parallel to your browsing window, like a web panel... But yes, you rely in this case on your OS for the management of windows in parallel, or tiled next to each other. I agree it is not perfect.add a keyboard shortcut to settings AND SEs
What do you mean exactly? Shortcut to use a search engine? Nickname in url bar? Shortcut to open the corresponding settings section?
add a keyboard shortcut to settings AND SEs
What do you mean exactly? Shortcut to use a search engine? Nickname in url bar? Shortcut to open the corresponding settings section?
The last one
- anyway I think you already explained it...so now instead of panel I invoke it as a BM.
@pesala said in Edit Search Engines from Search Field Context Menu:
This seems to be something that only needs doing once.
But on each machine all over again, manually, sniff, but half the drudgery is gone coz V has keywords and I can re-impl most of them as such !! Hope they never take it away from V ! I left FF when they removed this and never looked back (although there are some tweaks to bring it back like addons/monkey scripts etc - keeps breaking with every new version)
@rojaviv A quick visit to
reveals that the search engines stored by chrome do not match those stored by Vivaldi, so they must be doing something weird (i.e. storing it as an app setting rather than interfacing with chromium's settings).I mention this as I was looking for a way you could quickly copy a single file over, but it doesn't seem that will be possible.
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