True Alphabetical Bookmarks Sorting
True alphabetical sorting of bookmarks and ability to sort on a per folder basis. Currently you can only display them sorted, but not actually sort them.
I'm sure in agreement with luetage concerning the sorting of bookmark' be honest, I really wish the vivaldi browser had a bookmark manager similar to the one that google chrome uses. With chrome when you click on settings..bookmarks, there's an option for 'bookmark manager', once in there you have several option' of which is sorting. I realize that the google chrome browser has a LOT more individual's that are developing the browser, so the way I'm thinking is that HOPEFULLY..the developer's of vivaldi will eventually add that feature someday.
David -
I just don't understand why this isn't implemented. It is such an obvious, important feature. I've stopped using V out of irritation at their failure to do this.
@Davy49 said in True Alphabetical Bookmarks Sorting:
I'm sure in agreement with luetage concerning the sorting of bookmark' be honest, I really wish the vivaldi browser had a bookmark manager similar to the one that google chrome uses. With chrome when you click on settings..bookmarks, there's an option for 'bookmark manager', once in there you have several option' of which is sorting. I realize that the google chrome browser has a LOT more individual's that are developing the browser, so the way I'm thinking is that HOPEFULLY..the developer's of vivaldi will eventually add that feature someday.
DavidIn Vivaldi's bookmarks manager if you click the title column header it'll sort by title. Well, it'll cycle through sort A-Z, sort Z-A, manual sort.
For me the issue is when creating or editing a bookmarks location, it shows the manual sort which can make it very difficult to find the folder you want in a large bookmarks library such as mine.
I agree with this actually. I have years of bookmarks I imported, some I do not mind being unsorted (and some I even prefer it that way, such as my bookmark bar). But adding a new folder today for example, made me realize it was adding the folder to the top. It makes it annoying to need to go in and manually drag them new items to the correct place, when in the past it was 2 mouse clicks to sort all folder.
@Eldaehc Right-click on the opened Bookmarks Bar folder to add a new folder wherever you wish. Only in the case of adding a new folder or bookmark to the Bookmarks Bar root does it add it to the first position (left).
I agree with the author of the post. Sorting bookmarks of a separate folder is a very necessary function, without which my bookmarks turn into hell.
Current sorting isn’t enough now, I can’t use it because the “root” packs that form the groups at the top level of the hierarchy I ONLY sort manually, but inside some subfolders where I need a lot of sorting, moreover, it’s not constant but periodic, because I bring the most necessary bookmarks to the very top of the list, and the rest is better to stay in alphabetical order.
@inFlowiaLab I just drag and drop mine, rename them and keep them mostly in alphabetical order.
As long as you don't try to do it all at once, or store tens of thousands of bookmarks, it is not an issue.
@Pesala even with tens of thousands of bookmarks I have not found it to be an issue. Mostly, it's a matter of seeing how bookmarks are sorted throughout the product. In the use case @inFlowiaLab describes, I'm not aware of any browser that applies different sort methods per folder, and applies different sort methods per bookmark allowing you to have a few that are at the top and the rest sorted alphabetically. That is only achieved by first sorting bookmarks alphabetically and then manually. Once you discover that dragging & dropping bookmarks into an empty folder sorts them alphabetically, even though you have manual sort set as the display, you've created that alpha sort and can then reposition those few bookmarks you want at the top. But any new bookmark isn't going to magically get inserted alphabetically and keep the manual sort per bookmark, so it's necessary to maintain the alphabetical sort yourself as you create the bookmarks. This is quite easy using the method I find best for creating bookmarks anyways -- dragging & dropping onto the Bookmarks Panel. Just drop it in the correct location for an alphabetical sort.
It's important to note that this only matters for those few spots where the UI can only display the manual sort. For three Bookmarks Manager and Bookmarks Panel, you can already switch between showing the bookmarks in a manual sort or sorted by many different attributes including alphabetically by Bookmark Title. You can also sort by date created, URL, nickname, both forward and reverse for each.
@BoneTone said in True Alphabetical Bookmarks Sorting:
even with tens of thousands of bookmarks I have not found it to be an issue.
Even with a thousand bookmarks, some people manage to make it an issue. Your trick of sorting bookmarks to a new folder would make this feature request moot, but it does not work for me.
Selecting multiple bookmarks in the Panel and dragging them around together, adding separators, and renaming bookmarks can achieve pretty much any arrangement.
I hope someone from the Vivaldi Team is following your posts, and adding this knowledge to the help file.
How many millions of
does it need for vivaldi to add this basic feature that firefox had 20 years ago ?
Right click on a bookmark folder and “sort content” and voilà !
@freMea With over 3,440 feature requests, and a small team, those needed by few users or difficult to implement may have to wait for a long time. Wherever you see that a feature is tagged as In Progress, it may get done soon or may be already available in the Snapshots.
This one is not even in the top ten, and is not marked as In Progress. The number of votes makes very little difference; it is only a rough approximation of its popularity. Other factors are more critical in determining what gets done.
@Pesala Please enlighten me about those other factors. Because I really don’t understand why such a basic feature that would take one hour to a dev (come on, we’re talking about sending a sort query on a database) was not a priority in Vivaldi v1.0.
It’s all about priorities about sorting those 3,440 feature requests, between adding new shiny features and just fulfill some basics like showing bookmarks name in tooltip on mouseover hover the bookmarks bar (when icon only option is enabled) instead of its URL. Just like any other browsers.
I don’t even understand that all of those basics (because present in any such program since decades) need to be feature requests and not in a todo before labelling a software v1.0.
Sorry if it may sound harsh but I’m a little amazed as a dev.
@freMea said in True Alphabetical Bookmarks Sorting:
Please enlighten me about those other factors.
Decision-making Process
Please watch Jón’s Response to my Question on this topic.
@freMea said in True Alphabetical Bookmarks Sorting:
I’m a little amazed
I'm on the other hand amazed why even this is a need at all: you can already sort bookmarks any time how you want, but the sorting isn't even needed because there is a search field which makes finding a bookmark way faster than scrolling hundreds or even thousands of bookmarks and using your eyes. Let the program find them for you.
@iAN-CooG I’m aware, thank you. But just because you don’t understand the need doesn’t mean it’s a basic and useful feature specially for the bookmarks bar. It’s cumbersome to manually sort them. It’s annoying when you can not remember a keyword to help you search in your bookmarks. Your bookmarks use case scenario is ok when you don’t have so much of them.
@freMea The initial reason for my request was the circumstance that for the longest time I had most of my folders alphabetically sorted except for a few special ones, which I kept manually sorted. This isn’t possible to this day, you gotta sort everything manually, if you want that setup. To be honest I’ve given up on it and just let Vivaldi do the visual sorting. Therefore I don’t really care for this request anymore, but I think following would make sense: When setting sorting to manual there should be an option in the right click menu of a folder to sort the folder alphabetically. This is both easy to implement and execute. In a way it would just be an extension to manual sorting and wouldn’t get in the way of the “sort by” visual setup Vivaldi has implemented.
@freMea said in True Alphabetical Bookmarks Sorting:
It’s cumbersome to manually sort them
This one here it's a thread for requesting alphabetical sorting, not about manual sorting.
It’s annoying when you can not remember a keyword to help you search in your bookmarks.
then how physical sorting instead of logical sorting would help if you don't even remember what to search for? Makes no sense to me.
@luetage said in True Alphabetical Bookmarks Sorting:
When setting sorting to manual there should be an option in the right click menu of a folder to sort the folder alphabetically.
Absolutely agreed.
@iAN-CooG said in True Alphabetical Bookmarks Sorting:
then how physical sorting instead of logical sorting would help if you don't even remember what to search for? Makes no sense to me.
Yes I noticed that all of those things don’t make sense to you. That’s why you may think to stop arguing about what you’re not concerned in.
I still don't know why the bookmarks in the add bookmark dialogue are not sorted