Vivaldi powers up the Start Page and adds docked Dev Tools
"I've been using Vivaldi since the past year, and i love it! it's a great browser with really cool features, and keeps improving with each update like this one, but the support it's now suspended for linux-32bit "Very sad indeed. With the availability of 1.10 snapshot(s) for linux 32-bit, this came as an unpleasant surprise to me. But I understand that it has to do with Google Chrome having dropped Linux 32-bit support (some time ago already) and that code is apparently used in Vivaldi. However, Chromium is still actively developed for linux 32-bit, so why not use this as a base? Maybe it is just too much effort to maintain a browser for all platforms.
Great work. Would be amazing to be able to set the address bar to hide..and automatically reappear when opening a new tab, so it can be instantly typed into. And hide upon loading the page. AND appear if there is a notification in an extension.
THAT would be unprecedented and make for an incredibly smooth clean workflow! -
I love that we can now use gifs on the start page.
Docked Dev tools, Chromium 59, + more! I'm a happy camper. Thank you!
@cqoicebordel: How can I switch from the 32 bit version to the 64 bit version?
Assuming you are on a 64-bit version of Windows: uninstall your current (32-bit) version of Vivaldi (using the regular Windows uninstaller), but do not uninstall 'profile/settings'.
Download and install the 64-bit version, and your new installation will use your 'old' settings/profile. -
@aronand: For some time now (ever since themes were added) I think the dark theme has the wrong default accent - it's red, but it should be black or something similar, and only red if it inherits from page.
@marimba: Just install the 64-bit version over the 32-bit version. The profile will be kept.
@rseiler: You should try yourself before making such definite statements. It doesn't use more memory for me. I have quite old PC with only 4GB of RAM and 360 tabs opened in 4 windows and I have not noticed a difference in memory use after installing 64-bit version over 32-bit version.
@scotch11: Install 64-bit over 32-bit.
@fox-linuxthebest: WIR. Rest assured it is progressing internally.
@rhstogus: Updates were always manual, never done automatically. From the notification dialog you can trigger update.
Nice joke !!
Fail or Partial load of the start page still not fixed when launching Vivaldi... guys o/
@kitlard: It will come, it is being worked on.
@JasonJosephNYC This is Edge ^^
@an_dz: Actually the tab preview pop-up disappears. It does not disappear for tab stack to allow selecting a tab in a stack, but for a single tab you can just press the tab handle so this is why it disappears, to be less intrusive and it does not serve much purpose to stay. But if one thinks otherwise, a bug can be submitted for consideration.
@peavy3000: BTW, as an interim solution, do you know tree-style tab Chrome extensions that would work for you (that work in Chrome but maybe not in Vivaldi)? In any case, please submit a new feature request through so it can be considered. Thanks!
@sw535: The background in new tab is grey for me. Please submit a bug report through It would be good to attach a screen recording in animated GIF showing the issue (for example recording with a freeware tool).
@rseiler: You can change the order between ascending/descending with an arrow at the right-end of the sorting header.