Snapshot 1.0.385.5 - Changes to tab opening and closing behaviour
Thank you very much great page.
Win 7 64 Bit, 8 Gig, 32 Bit Vivaldi
@ruario:I presume you have both the NPAPI and PPAPI versions installed. Just disable (or better yet) remove the old one, probably NPAPI
Thank you.
I don't remember on if they were different or not, sorry. It did delete 19 when I disabled it, that MIGHT have been NPAPI.Hopefully I can explain this well… I ran into another problem maybe just mine. Still have issues.
Loading takes a very long time but after it does pages are BEAUTIFUL and very responsive tab loading...I love it overall!!!I was playing with it today and maybe found out something you might want to know. For the longest period of time with a lot of tabs showing (35) but two or so "active" Vivaldi was behaving very well overall. I had 2900 Meg free for a LONG time and that was running one flash radio site. That enabled me to run other programs 1st.time.
It seems Viv releases memory VERY well when you close out of it, but not in this one instance:
A soundcloud tab should have not been active ( after close and reboot ) cause it was a previously active tab but not this time. After tabs taking all that time to load without any input from me soundcloud link started playing and everything went to the dogs. Memory down to 10 Meg and CPU to 100% when before it was a reasonable 45%. When I closed out of Vivaldi it didn't release the memory or CPU as it did before, even after a long time.Question: Should Vivaldi auto load a tab when I have rebooted and not clicked on it to run as in the soundcloud tab? I THINK all would have been OK IF soundcloud hadn't loaded on top of my radio stream.
CPU Only a Core 2 T9400 fast graphics card and SSD
[Sorry if a little disjointed, on meds that don't let me compose thoughts as well.] -
Go to tools and plugins, it will show if you page down, I had a LOT of non-highlighted gray area to get by, scrolling down the page to flash.
Hi ruario,
oh well, I think this is YOUR thread for sure. You've really tried to reply to every single constructive thread. Great!
"Right of Current Tab" is one heck of a label for a setting. It's unambigiously describing what it does. Hence, also new unrelated tabs should be opened right of the current one. If I want the new one to become the last one, I simply select the current last one prior to. Simple rule, full control.
As for the visualization clues for related tabs: I know, it's rather something for major branch 2, with the potential use maybe restricted to lateral tabs being a drawback. But I think "tree-sytle tabbing" is th ebest way to deal with related tabs (which are tab trees indeed).
Question: are there - prior to V1 - any improvements planned to the tab coloring in tab groups?
I like the context-aware coloring of tabs, but with tab groups and their need to highlight 3 tab types differently (current, focused, background) its getting immediately really confusing when the background colors of the grouped tabs are more of the faint/grey kind.
I think it's the focused one which should be revisited. Yeah, even more colors might be really overdose. Would raising the height of the collapsed header bei 1/2 pixels an idea to look at in more detail?someone
it seems, that tab closing speed is faster than in the old snapshots
you don't have to kill the process - just open new tab in any of these windows - it will stop. just rapidly click on the area where new tab button exists in any of vivaldi windows.
it's rare to me to this bug happen at random, but sometimes it does
it's always happening when connecting external monitor
i thought i reported it, but i don't see it in my mails. i'll do it later
We are having a look into what this might be causing this as we have seen a similar issue with a local machine. For now, perhaps the easiest would we to switch to a new/clean profile. You can do this by opening a terminal and starting Vivaldi like so:
open -a /Applications/ –args --profile-directory=Profile2
Latter, when we fix the issue, you can switch back to your main profile like so:
open -a /Applications/ --args --profile-directory=Default
How do I change interface language? Cannot find the setting.
lol, it's visible on first settings screen:
1. Thank you.
2. VB-12731. Also this is useful if you have the panel hidden, so you can see if something happens (like a new msg or something) just looking at (fav) icon.
3. Yes, you're right, but maybe you can do something to avoid the problem of the active/selected one. You guys are smart!
4. Great. Thank you. - I wouldn't call it visible
Is it possible for someone from Vivaldi to confirm bug is VB-12405 is a bug or a feature ? It's related with middle click closing tabs on Linux.
lol, that's weird can you see it with "Display All" selected? some settings used to be visible only with Display All.
Display all and search don't show it either. I guess the mac build just doesn't have it implemented.
I would like another option for tab cycling.
I often open a folder from speedial to open multiple tabs at once.
But when i close the first tab, vivaldi send me back to a tab which was not open as the same time as the one I just closed.To sum up, i would like that multiple opened tab at once are considerated as related tabs.
No, but thanks for checking.
doesn't show when you hover the mouse over the tab. If the [x] hasn't appeared, I am able to move the mouse aroundwithinstill won't show. BUT, if I move the mouse off the tab and back again, the [x]does appear.Here's a screenshot. As you can see, although the screenshot hasn't captured the mouse pointer, I have hovered a group of tabs and it's still open – so my mouse must, logically, be hovering that tab at the moment that the screenshot was captured.
And you can see that there is no close icon on the main tab. There are close icons on other members of the tab group.
As soon as I move the mouse off that tab, and then back on again, the close icon reappears. And when I move the mouse pointer off and on again for the next loads of times, the close icon will always appear.
Until the next time that it doesn't.
The URL wouldn't enter.
Arrrghhh! This forum has just lost the long and detailed post that I made.
I can't be bothered to describe the bug again. (I have already reported it) Here's a screenshot
I wish my screenshot had included ALL of the long and detailed post that I was typing!