How do I change clipboard timeout
Hi all,
my problem is, that the contents of the clipboard seems to vanish after about 10 minutes idle time. So when there is something in the clipboard I use over and over, then get up to do something else and return after 10 minutes the clipboard is empty.
It does not seem to be a problem of Linux Mint (latest version, all patches applied), as I made a test, where I could show, that the copied text exists even after an hour. -
@jilalf Hi, this is not something Vivaldi does, nor is there a setting to control it in a browser. This is something your OS does, or another program on your system.
Hi, this is the settings in KDE:I can see clipboard entries made in Vivaldi from Yesterday.
@Pathduck Thanks for the reply. However I already could prove, that it is not the OS.
I'll make another test with another browser, to see, if it might be the form on the webpage, where I enter data. -
@mib2berlin Thanks for the reply. The problem can't be the history, since it is a matter of time, not the number of entries.
Does the issue coincide with screen lock events?
@yojimbo274064400 While this is indeed a very good thought, it can not be a screensaver or the lockscreen, as I made another test using Mozilla for this website. After one hour the contents of the clipboard was still there. So I can exclude the OS, the website, a screensaver or any process running in the background. It has also nothing to do with a setting for the clipboard. Until now Vivaldi seems to be the only source of the problem.
In case someone wants to try it, here's the website where I enter data: