Modding Vivaldi
@OsoPolar Check
for the executable path; follow it. -
@OsoPolar hi i can see Executable Path /opt/vivaldi/vivaldi but this is a script file not html !!
There should be other files and folders in that directory alongside the executable.
@luetage cheers got it
Is it possible to remove these annoying dropdown arrows?
Very much so yes. They came (for me) in the last update...
Hi, this happen with the setting Text Only, change this to Text and Icon or Icon only.
No idea if this changed since an update.Cheers, mib
I don't want icons, I want only text whitout dropdown arrows on folders. I know what folders there are subfolders. Just wanna get rid of the arrows...
.bookmark-bar.text .observer .VivaldiSvgIcon {display: none;}
newer version (bookmark folders will be underlined)
.bookmark-bar.text .observer .VivaldiSvgIcon {display: none;} .bookmark-bar.text .observer .bookmarkbarItem.folder span.title { text-decoration: underline; }
Thanx! Just what I wanted!
I assume right-click menu style cannot be customized because lol google?
@Kein Correct. Until it will be chromium inherited the style is locked up
Is there a way to mod windows panel in a way that helps to find current active tab in it? I mean something more effective than editing highlight color in the css, as even most psychedelic coloring is of little help when you have to visually locate one single line among countless other.
@DKavlakov Hi, the Windows Panel is moddable like any part of the Vivaldi UI.
Since no-one but you knows what's meant by "more effective" I suggest you make a new topic and give some details on what you would deem more effective, with some mockups to better understand what you need.
IMO the best way is to learn basic CSS and inspecting the UI yourself, then experimenting with different approaches, learning while doing is always best. -
Installation/modding instructions for my fellow nixos users:
let vivaldi = pkgs.vivaldi.overrideAttrs (old: { installPhase = '' ${old.installPhase} cp -vf "${./files/vivaldi/resources}"/* "$out/opt/vivaldi/resources/vivaldi/" ''; }); in { ... }
@jcdickinson It looks like you are copying the contents of the resources folder from an old version to a new version. If that’s true, it’s bad advice.
@luetage that's not what it's doing at all.
@jcdickinson So what is it doing?