Which actions triggers class changes (besides "Toggle UI) ?
The "Toggle UI" action triggers a
class.Which other actions trigger class changes like that ?
@KaKi87 Too many to list here, that's for sure!
Also, you're asking the wrong question, it should be:
Q: What can I do to find what class changes are triggered by UI settings and changes?
A: Learn to inspect the UI and easily find the necessary selectors instead of asking for a list that will never be complete or updated.
https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/16684/inspecting-the-vivaldi-ui-with-devtools -
Actually I don't think you understand : I'm looking for something the user controls, like "Toggle UI".
The user can trigger it anytime they want, from a keyboard shortcut of their choice, a button located wherever they want, or from Quick Commands, or the window menu.
Thank you
@KaKi87 Then I guess I don't understand and you will have to explain it better.
@KaKi87 Perhaps you mean like those on the
DIV?<div id="browser" lang="en-US" class="win maximized theme-dark acc-dark bg-dark color-behind-tabs-off transparent-tabbar theme-id-74d93282-077f-41d3-b52d-0ad1f018bdc3 isblurred simple-scrollbar menu-icon tabs-at-edge substrip-tabs-on stacks-substrip address-top bookmark-bar-top tabs-top narrow-tiling" ...
Many of the settings toggle classes at that level, but there are some others sprinkled around at more specific places.