vivaldi webmail always display images from trusted senders
vivaldi webmail always display images from trusted senders
How do I assign trusted sender status? -
Hi, in Vivaldi webmail ( images are always visible.
In the Vivaldi mail client you can reach the setting in the Contacts panel.
Right click on a contact > Edit:You cant enable external content for multiple contacts, groups or all mails from, for example.
No contacts, so nothing to edit
Newsletters, forums & other subscriptions -
If you get a mail there is a checkbox for the same setting, "Always allow ...":If you enable it all following messages will load external content.
If you want to reach this setting you need a contact, maybe other users have an idea but I don't know another way.
Just create one to test this for a mailing list like: -
I can't find a way to add a contact from an email, other than creating a blank contact & filling it out manually
In webmail select the email address link and then the Add to address book option, as highlighted below:
Go to Contacts to confirm creation of contact.If the issue persist then consider posting a screenshot of an email where its address cannot be added to address book.
Thanks for the reply
I added the email address to the addressbook, but no contact in contacts, if I try to add again, the nag box says I already have that contact -
Sorry, my mistake in not reading the thread with more care.
Consider trying the following to add an email address to Trusted Senders address book:
- select Settings > Preferences > Displaying Messages
- set Allow remote resources (images, styles) to from trusted senders
- when you next view a message with remote content select Always allow from (as highlighted in image below) to add email address to Trusted Senders address book.
LLonM moved this topic from Vivaldi for Linux on
Thanks for the reply
That's the one!
I thought Preferences was the header