Cannot drag empty new tab into new window
Since Vivaldi v7.0 has been released, it is now possible to drag tabs out of the tab bar to convert them to a new window, rather than having to drag the tab out of the window it currently belongs to, which was a widely-requested feature (e.g. However, this only applies to tabs that have a web page open. If a new tab is opened, the new tab cannot be dragged out of the tab bar at all as long it is on the "Start Page", while this was possible in previous versions of Vivaldi. Is it possible to remove this restriction so that new tabs can also be dragged out of the tab bar to create a new window?
Context: I usually open a new empty tab, drag it out into a new windows, then type the address I want and open the web page. However, this is no longer possible on Vivaldi v7.0 since it is not possible to drag empty tabs out of the tab bar.
Submitted as bug report VB-111798.
Hi, I cant reproduce this, open new tab, drag it down, release mouse.
Vivaldi 7.0.3495.15, Windows 11.
Maybe you don`t know but Ctrl+N open a new window and you can start typing immediately.Cheers, mib
Ah, indeed it looks like the issue has been fixed at some point. I just upgraded to the .15 build and the problem is gone. I was running .11 if I remember correctly. I don't see anything related to this issue in the changelog of the recent builds, though.
OK fine, sometimes a bug fix seems unrelated but fix other issues too.
Anyway, I close your bug report.Cheers, mib