Color coding workspace list items
Hi - it would be very nice if it was possible to color code the items in the workspace drop-down (the entire row). Currently it's possible to assign colored emoji to each item, but they are very small and not easy to visually distinguish. Thanks!
@barbudo2005 I tried this and it didn't work for me. Is there something I need to do besides enable it in settings and drop a css file in the directory I selected?
The team change the title of the workspace:
button class="workspace-item-wrapper draggable" title="SERIES, IMDB & YT 4 hibernated tabs"
They add the number of the tabs in the title, so you have to add an "*" after the word "title" in the code:
button.workspace-item-wrapper.draggable[title*="VARIOS"] .avatar.picker svg {filter: brightness(50%) sepia(100) saturate(60) hue-rotate(200deg) !important;} button.workspace-item-wrapper.draggable[title*="VARIOS"] .title p {color: #0a57a7 !important;} button.workspace-item-wrapper.draggable[title*="HISTORICA"] .avatar.picker svg {filter: brightness(50%) sepia(100) saturate(60) hue-rotate(100deg) !important;} button.workspace-item-wrapper.draggable[title*="HISTORICA"] .title p {color: #008b00 !important;} button.workspace-item-wrapper.draggable[title*="SERIES, IMDB & YT"] .avatar.picker svg {filter: brightness(50%) sepia(100) saturate(60) hue-rotate(360deg) !important;} button.workspace-item-wrapper.draggable[title*="SERIES, IMDB & YT"] .title p {color: #e72f04 !important;}
title*= "YT"
means that the title contains the text "YT". -
@barbudo2005 Awesome, that worked. Thanks!
Is there any way to refresh this on changes to this file other than by restarting the browser?