How to switch back to old interface?
Good afternoon. I hate the new interface. The tabs on top look terrible, I switched from Opera to Vivaldi for this reason and have been very happy using it, thanks for that. I'm really asking you to help me get the old interface back with nice square tabs, not this Windows 11 like horror. Please!
@DoctorG Many thanks kind human being! This was very helpful
@zambijaic You are welcome.
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@DoctorG Echoing zambijaic's thinks. Since it was the "floating tabs" that I disliked, I looked through the Settings for tabs twice trying to find how to turn that off. But the setting for floating tabs isn't labeled as a tab setting, it's labeled as a "Menu" setting. Sigh...
Vivaldi are losing the plot, it has to be said. I started using Vivaldi precisely because the likes of Firefox started pointlessly copying Google Chrome for the sake of it. Now the updates seem don't really offer anything useful but are dressed up in absurd marketing speak such as, "With a completely revamped look and a new flagship feature, we have cemented what Vivaldi is all about – giving you total control of your online experience."
Spare me. Wasting space is not a "completely redesigned user interface." Tabs should look like tabs, not buttons. UI 101. I don't want my screen space wasted, and I don't want to search for a setting to put things back the way they were only to find that a setting for "floating tabs" isn't under tab settings (nice work!) but under "appearance".
It's disappointing to see Vivaldi developing fluff and pitching it as amazing instead of doing genuine work to fix the hodge-podge of different tab handling methods, few of which could be regarded as complete - tiling being the worst offender for not behaving as one would intuitively expect. Tiles, Stacks, Workspaces, Sessions... Layer upon layer of things that don't integrate well. Combine tiling with stacks so people can dock tabs wherever they like (e.g. like Visual Studio) and people could intuitively set their window up exactly as they want it. But no... "floating tabs" is a "complete redesign" apparently.
Sorry, but I just don't get what's going on at Vivaldi lately.
@WhereverPenguin I don't agree, I like the new tabs.
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