Sync email accounts
I just installed Vivaldi as my default browser and am happy to have done so. I feel better about my computer being more secure. However, I would appreciate assistance with synching all of my electronic mail accounts [Gmail, ProtonMail, etc.] with Vivaldi, so that everything is in one place, ready to go. Can you make this simpler for everyone?
LLonM moved this topic from Everything else on
I am not a specialist of any sort, just anxious to enjoy working with a browser and an ethos that keeps life online free of distractions.
Hi, you can vote for an existing feature request with the like button in the first post.
I don't voted for it because I don't want to have all my mail accounts in all my Vivaldi installs and sync is often all or nothing.
But many users like it.Cheers, mib
@martinreyhan2052 said in Sync email accounts:
synching all of my electronic mail accounts [Gmail, ProtonMail, etc.] with Vivaldi, so that everything is in one place, ready to go.
I'm not sure if I understand exactly what you mean, and I think @mib2berlin may also be on the wrong track. @mib2berlin's answer is about sharing such account information between two different installations of Vivaldi. I think you are asking about a way to download emails from existing email accounts that you currently access through their webpages right into Vivaldi on your PC?
If so, then that is possible using the integrated email client. The help file should get you going, there is a special section on GMail.
Proton mail is a bit more complicated to set up, because it requires you to install a separate "bridge" app on your PC first. We have several threads on the forum about getting proton mail to work with Vivaldi, see for example here