Can't Drag-n-Drop PDF into Browser
Hi All,
I often open PDF files in my browser. With Vivaldi, I'm unable to drag-n-drop the PDF file from my Desktop into the browser. On Chrome/Edge, I can drag it into the browser viewport or tab bar and it will open.
Can this be implemented into Vivaldi?
It's been the one missing feature that prevents me from using Vivaldi on a daily-basis.
Thank you
I have just tested: right click on a pdf, "open With", selected Vivaldi and checked "always use this to open"
At this point even double clicking a pdf it opens in vivaldi.
Then in explorer I dragged the pdf over the Vivaldi icon on the desktop, it opens the pdf in a new tab.
Then I dragged the pdf icon inside the already open Vivaldi window, it opens in a new tab.I'd say that it's already working
- Needs to be able to drag to the tabs bar.
- Needs to be able to drag on the Speed Dial or any internal Vivaldi pages.