How to transfer VIVALDI user profile from one Stand-Alone Desktop PC to another Stand-Alone Desktop PC
SA 05 OCT 2024
OK. SO ... I did not know if this was going to work when I decided to just do it.
A: On PC #1, go to the "C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Default" file in FILE EXPLORER. Hilight that folder in the LEFT column.
B: In the RIGHT column, check the box at the top of the column. All the files in that column will get a checkmark.
C: Either RIGHT CLIK & COPY or CLIK and DRAG the selected files to the EMPTY USB drive, this may take up to 12 minutes or so depending on your device. BE SURE to close VIVALDI once this has been done.
Once the COPY has completed, remove the USB from your PC and shut it down.
E: Place the USB you have just removed from the first PC and insert it into the 2nd PC.
F: Fire up the 2nd PC, sign in, if that is what you do.
G: Once the 2nd PC is up & running, again, open FILE EXPLORER.
H: Now go to the same place as you did on the first PC, i.e., "C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Default" on this device and when there, again, click on the DEFAULT file in the LEFT column.
I: Next, go to the RIGHT column and again, click on the checkbox at the top and it will again select all the files in that column.
J: DELETE ALL THE FILES therein listed in the RIGHT COLUMN. These are going to be replaced with the files you copied to the USB from the first PC.
K: Leaving the current "DEFAULT" folder in the left side of FILE EXPLORER hilighted ... PASTE the file you saved on the USB to this DEFAULT folder.
L: Once the COPY has completed, close FILE EXPLORER, remove the USB from the PC, and RESTART PC #2.
M: Once PC #2 is back up and running, invoke VIVALDI and you should see all your WORKSPACES, TABS, BOOKMARKS, etc., etc. as they were when you last opened VIVALDI on PC #1
Now you may go ahead and use the browser as always, and so far having done exactly the steps I have outlined here, I have not had any issues so far. The browser seems to be as operational as it has ever been.
The ONE THING that I do not yet know, is NOW ... having done whatever I have done on PC #2, and then going back to PC #1, will all the information/changes or ANYTHING ELSE that I did on PC #2 actually appear on PC #1, like maybe added another WORKSPACE, added some new tabs that I opened, etc., etc.
That may be where SYNC comes into play. I would like to believe that whatever work or research that I did on PC #2 was saved to the VIVALDI SYNC cloud, and that all of that will appear in the VIVALDI browser when I open it again on PC #1.
Should you decide to follow what I have laid out here, let me know if you've found it works as described, if it has been helpful, OR, if you have discovered any steps that I've listed here to be either erroneous, or just flat wrong.
Thanks. MGBJAY
@MGBJAY said in How to transfer VIVALDI user profile from one Stand-Alone Desktop PC to another Stand-Alone Desktop PC:
On PC #1, go to the "C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Default" file in FILE EXPLORER. Hilight that folder in the LEFT column.
For Standalone installations, this may not be the correct folder.
Better to Open Vivaldi and check the profile folder being used under the menu "Help/About".@MGBJAY said in How to transfer VIVALDI user profile from one Stand-Alone Desktop PC to another Stand-Alone Desktop PC:
H: Now go to the same place as you did on the first PC, i.e., "C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Default" on this device and when there, again, click on the DEFAULT file in the LEFT column.
Again, check the folder needed under "Help/About" on PC #2.
@MGBJAY said in [How to transfer VIVALDI user profile from one Stand-Alone Desktop PC to another Stand-Alone
Desktop PC](/post/783690):
J: DELETE ALL THE FILES therein listed in the RIGHT COLUMN.
Maybe copy to a backup folder "just in case" something goes wrong! Then you can do the copy with overwrite rather than delete!
Also, as mentioned in the thread pointed to by @Ayespy some encrypted files should NOT be copied/overwritten (extensions/passwords etc).