Are member blog contents moderated by Vivaldi ?
As tht title says: If a user starts their own blog within Vivaldi, is the content moderated by Vivaldi?
@iqaluit Blogs of covered by the Terms of Service
@Pesala Thanks!
@Pesala Pesala, I have read the terms and conditions as well as the code of conduct. However there are a lot of gray areas in those documents. All I would like to try is to post some pictures that I took and maybe some other peoples' and some product reviews, my personal opinions and of very likely to add content or quotes of others. I would of course cite the credit where it is due but I don't get it why backlinking is not allowed ? I am a little confused. I was wondering if you could show me the ropes if you can at all.
@iqaluit The backlinking is being explained rather plainly. Don’t post content with the sole purpose of getting readers to click a link, driving traffic to another page. Don’t act malicious and you are good.
I've been blogging here for nearly two years and have only had one moderation issue. In October last year, I posted something I knew would be contentious but posted anyway as it was a subject I felt very strongly about (and still do). There was one complaint and I was asked to add sources which I did, but without changing a word of the post. I heard nothing further from anyone, either complainer or the mods. IMO that's exactly how it should be. I expected a similar reaction to a couple of other posts but didn't, so I guess it's ok.
Good luck, and I will keep an eye out for your work.
@TravellinBob Hey Bob! Thank you so much for the honest feedback! It really helped me a great deal in my decision. I bookmarked your blog as well. I will be following it whenever I have time. It looks interesting to me at first glance. I will continue with Vivaldi for sure as my browser, as this is a decision independent of the forum or blog but this forum or blog, I am really not here to put up with someone else's ego or political issues or put up with spartan-like tight unnecessary forum rules and condecsending tones. I am just too old for that. I am (was) litereally here to have fun. In the light of your feedback it is best that I refrain from blogging via Vivaldi tools. I will be looking other options to see if I could create a blog of my own. Thanks again.
@iqaluit I would encourage you rethink. In my view, any blog should be subject moderation, to prevent some of the less palatable conspirancy theory and racist nonsense that proliferates across socal media - think X and Facebook, both of which are full of it. The blogging community on here, like the Forum Community, is in my view very open minded and not at all restrictive. I don't believe the moderation I faced would have happened at all had there not been a complaint from a ready, who in fairness had a vested interest.
If, however, you do consider using an alternative, I publish two outside blogs using Google's Blogger platform, and in ten years of use have experienced no problems or complaints at all (and have posted some pretty controversial essays on them).
@TravellinBob Thanks for taking your time to chime in. Appreciate that!
Thanks for sharing your experience with the 'Vivaldi Blog'.I wouldn't use a Google Blog at all.
Would be too expensive for me.Your texts should belong to you and not Google.
This is so, you agree with the use of Google Blogs.
Google can do what they want with it if you publish there.
Unfortunately, this is often not known.There are no such machinations with the 'Vivaldi Blog'.
Why don't you just publish something on our 'Vivaldi Blog'.You'll see, from the editorial side, no rubbish will happen.
Hi. I've been using Blogger since 2010, and there is a LOT of stuff on there. Porting it elsewhere would be massive task, and with a life that long I guess my info has been widely disseminated anyway. As I'm still actively writing both, I don't think I fancy doing all of that!
If I were just starting out, then I would I'm sure use the excellent facitilites Vivaldi provides (or maybe Wordpress itself).
I'm happy with the way iit holds together for now anyway.
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