Laundry List of Issues That At This Point Must Get Fixed
I've used Vivaldi for a while now, and I have put up with stuff that I was told cannot be changed or it's just the way things are, and I have put up with bugs appearing, and then they seem to get fixed, but some things have not been fixed, and there's some things that at this point... It no longer makes sense to use Vivaldi unless they get fixed.
The reason I switched from Safari to Vivaldi in the first place was because of the bugs in Safari that Apple never fixes. But now Vivaldi is requiring me to quit and restart the browser at least once a week.. Having to close and reopen windows to solve problems..
It just is no longer tolerable. Here are the problems that need to be fixed:
- When you have a long URL in the address bar, for some reason it's impossible to click in the address bar to either copy it, or to edit it, because the URL in the address bar is processed as a link and just reopens the current page in the same tab when I click in the address bar.. Extremely annoying..
This is because of what looks like a feature where the domain is clickable in the address bar for some reason. Nothing in the address bar should be treated as a link. EVER. It's an ADDRESS BAR.. you type where you want to go in there, it's not a place for text to be a hyperlink that tells the browser to go somewhere.
After a while of using it the browser breaks and then hover states don't work, the cursor no longer changes to hand (pointer) when hovering over links, and myriad of other cursor inaccuracies (ie. showing horizontal resize cursor on Devtools buttons)
After a while, maybe immediately? I don't know... The elements tab in dev tools no longer highlights elements in the page as you hover over the HTML elements.. I've used Chrome devtools since the browser came out. This isn't how it is supposed to behave..
Dunno if Vivaldi took that out or if it's just abug but this is extremely annoying when trying to debug CSS because you're supposed to see th epopup that shows the padding, margin, width etc.
When typing into the address bar instead of frequently visited sites coming up with the DOMAIN ONLY it will bring up bookmarks or history first, which is 99.999% NEVER wanted. If I go to Youtube a lot I wanna type yo and then is automatically completed, with the ability to type something else .. I can keep typing or I can hit enter to accept ..
Tied to #4 when there's already a page to that site open in another tab or window or workspace, instead of opening say YouTube in the tab I'm typing in, it goes to the already open tab elsewhere..
Sometimes I have tabs in another workspace or window but I don't want to go to them. If I open a new tab and type something I WANT IT TO OPEN THERE ALWAYS.
Now I talked about #4 in another forum post and I was told this can't be changed. If this (#5) can't be changed either.. You need to change to both of them..
Because it's extremely annoying. At the very least you should be able to turn both of these off.
- It seems that sometimes certain sites are not obeying the settings in privacy where it's got its own settings for cookies, ads, javascript, etc. etc. etc. I have double and triple checked and seen the entry for the domain I visited and it is not obeying the settings. (ie. when I come back all cookies are gone, even though the setting for specific site says to allow cookies indefinitely)
And for the devtools problems and the hover breaking ... I had to restart Vivaldi twice in a half hour period to fix it because it broke that quickly.
I'm a web developer and I can't have my browser breaking like this all the time.
I have never in my life ever experienced this level of instability even with Safari, and never with any other Chrome-based offshoot.
The most serious of these issues seems to have come from the last update.
@aqhillie Being a web developer you should already be aware that this is not how you issue bug reports, see ☛ In summary: Check whether your issue has already been reported on the forum, if not create a new topic, state operating system information and version info, and provide detailed steps how to reproduce the bug from a fresh profile. Do this for every unknown bug separately. If someone can confirm the issue, you can go ahead and report it to the tracker. Include the link to the forum topic. This exact chain of actions will give you the best chance that your issue will be dealt with swiftly.
@luetage It doesn't matter if I'm a web developer or not.
Being a user of software in 2024 has taught me that most companies will never fix any of the bugs reported so reporting bugs is pointless.
I think Vivaldi is different however I don't think some of these things are bugs so I wanted to get clarity on whether or not some of these issues are bugs or simply the browser is behaving different from Chrome.
Some of these things could be just me not knowing how to change / turn some things off, which is I why I posted this here first.
And I've also posted stuff here in the past and been told that it's already being worked on.
@aqhillie Alright, good luck.
@aqhillie said in Laundry List of Issues That At This Point Must Get Fixed:
most companies will never fix any of the bugs reported so reporting bugs is pointless.
Well, all companies won't fix unreported bugs!
Some of these things could be just me not knowing how to change / turn some things off, which is I why I posted this here first.
typing into the address bar instead of frequently visited sites coming up with the DOMAIN ONLY it will bring up bookmarks or history first
Check "Settings / Address Bar - Drop down menu priority" and re-order to your preferences.
When you have a long URL in the address bar, for some reason it's impossible to click in the address bar to either copy it, or to edit it,
Never encountered this, maybe Mac only - but double check in Guest profile to eliminate extension(s) causing it.
Well, all companies won't fix unreported bugs!
Well that's why I post here first, coz the community will usually give me insight on whether or not posting a bug is even possible.
You can't really report bugs to Facebook, or Apple, or other major companies.. Apple has a place to give feedback but it's always felt like it's going to /dev/null.. Facebook, all Meta products..
It's all like /dev/null.. PayPal has no place to report bugs and they have issues they've had for a decade and haven't been fixed.
I know that Vivaldi fixes bugs that users bring up, I didnt know that there was an official way to report bugs.
Check "Settings / Address Bar - Drop down menu priority" and re-order to your preferences.
This doesn't really work. In fact it's really bizarre how it works.. You would think direct match would directly match the name of .. sometimes... domain perhaps? but I put direct match and then it matches something that doesn't even have what I typed in the name at all...
And then in typed history way down it has the domain name. This isn't the behavior that I'm talking about.
Most other browsers if I go to a site a lot, it will autocomplete the site... not links, not history items from titles etc. but actual domains.
And just so we're clear: I have "Autocomplete on Item Title" unchecked and "Autocomplete on domain first" checked.
Here is a list of my results, putting direct match first and just leaving the other stuff just to see what it comes up with:
As you can see, when I type "you" pops up which is not anything I've ever heard of, never went to nor even know what it is. And yet it comes up as a direct match.
And the domain match is waaay at the bottom.
Never encountered this, maybe Mac only - but double check in Guest profile to eliminate extension(s) causing it.
I dunno it might be part of when the UI gets broken.
I'm not sure what language Vivaldi is written in but I would assume it's a compuled language.. and with my brief stint developing Objective C and Cocoa stuff for Mac I noticed that similar to languages like C and C++ some errors or oversights in certain programming can cause very strange malfunctioning of the app and the UI etc. Some bugs can break things in ways that you can't break things when using an interpreted language like Javascript or Python.
That's what it looks like is happening here.. After a while of running the UI just gets clobbered.
A similar problem happens very rarely in Safari.. we're talking like weeks of running without having to restart the browser.
I will check the guest profile but I don't use very many extensions at all. I use only the most basic things, and none of them affect the address bar, at least not intentionally (has nothing to do with doing anything to the address bar)
@aqhillie Direct match is sponsored results. It’s one of the ways Vivaldi makes money. You can disable direct match.
@luetage Disabling direct match doesn't really solve the problem that there seems to be no way to do what most other browsers do.
I don't ask for much.. I don't really care about 90% of Vivaldi's features because all I went is a non-intrusive working browsing experience that doesn't cause me issues.
There should be no features that cannot be turned off, and there should be nothing native to Chrome (other than Google's privacy violating stuff) which should be turned off, at least by default.
But I don't know if that's part of the UI breaking or not.
The responses in this thread are honestly not giving me a good impression of sticking with the browser as something that I can do.
I'm getting resistant responses to my queries and being told I'm doing things incorrectly and I'm sorry but that's not how you do things.
The quickest way to lose expert users is to do the "user error" game where you start doing the "Tech geek" thing of blaming the user, telling the user oh you didn't do this correctly, you should've done it this way.
This is going to end with me probably just switching back to Safari or maybe going to Brave or finding another browser, because instead of getting helpful replies I'm getting blame and irrelevant garbage.
That's right. Sending me to a page that describes direct match after giving me a sentence that tells me what it is.. Like I don't want to read about what it is dude.
I want my problems solved, and the next typical step here, is for some people to say "oh this guy's entitled" ... No ..
I can go use Brave right now and have none of these problems.
So for me right now the best solution is not using your product, which is NOT what you want as a company.
@aqhillie You post a big rant of issues that “must get fixed,” or else. You get instructions how to properly report bugs. You don’t want to do that, which is fine, no one can force you to. You get infos on a follow up. It’s too much info and everyone is an asshole here and you threaten to leave.
Just act normal, post a question or issue at a time. Do invest a little time and search the forum for answers, do use the help pages.
The point is people are genuinely trying to be helpful here. Vivaldi doesn’t have many developers, but they do care about the community and bugs do get fixed all the time. Some of them take far longer than others, that’s just how it is. The team is small. If you don’t have the patience for any of that, no one can force you to stay either.
@aqhillie said in Laundry List of Issues That At This Point Must Get Fixed:
And the domain match is waaay at the bottom.
So move "Typed History" to the top.
@aqhillie I understand your frustration, but i fear no dev is reading this mixed list the next weeks.
@aqhillie I know you've said in later posts that you're posting here in case you didn't know some settings, but your original post is implying that your list of issues is a list of bugs. But a few of them aren't reproducible, and some do have fixes.
It doesn't help you to be so combative, both in the original post and in your replies. I get that you're super frustrated, but the other commenters are right that, as a developer, you ought to know better about how to report bugs and elicit help!
This behaviour happens when holding down Cmd and hovering over the address bar. It shouldn't be happening if you're not holding down the modifier key - is there something in your system that is somehow emulating the Cmd button being held down?
Never happens for me.
Never happens to me. I use devtools all the time on both Mac and Windows.
You've said this sometimes happens in Safari too - so again, is there something about your system rather than a browser bug? Or at least, an additional factor that's triggering these bugs?
Has been talked about here - but the address bar suggestions did change a while ago, and I haven't found a way to properly get back the old behaviour either. I've gotten it as good as possible by disabling some drop-down suggestions and reordering the others.
This is the "Open Tab" option in the Drop-Down Menu Priority list in Settings, and can be disabled.
Dunno, but you didn't give an example URL or a description of the behaviour so it's impossible to test, let alone offer help.
@frogworth said in Laundry List of Issues That At This Point Must Get Fixed:
It doesn't help you to be so combative, both in the original post and in your replies. I get that you're super frustrated, but the other commenters are right that, as a developer, you ought to know better about how to report bugs and elicit help!
See this is where we differ in opinion. I may be frustrated but I simply told the truth. I don't have to use Vivaldi, I can use something else and all the problems disappear.
I was not "combative" until SOMEONE ELSE told me "well you should know better."
Also I wasn't born yesterday. BEFORE anyone knew what the Internet was I was dialing into my dialup shell Internet account and writing code.
I think the problem stems from people whose entire life is this kinda stuff. Kinda like when I was a teenager living in mom's house with no job, and all the time in the world to just daily build the latest Linux kernels and nightly snapshots of software and to read forums and post bug reports "properly" and all this stuff.
Now I have bills to pay, I have a full time job and I am also running a business. I don't have time to after posting on a forum, being like OH. My bad.. I'll take MORE TIME to go and post this THE CORRECT WAY.. so that I don't get an online reprimand from somebody with a star and SOPRANO next to their name, which I'm guessing is this forum's version of "Big Man on Campus"...
Now what I will do, is THE NEXT TIME I have a bug to report. I will find the correct way to report it, and I will report it there instead of posting it here.
And I also think this is probably why most people never really amount to anything, because they put focus on things that don't matter.
If somebody posts bugs here.. You tell them "oh you did it wrong you need to report it right." The bug was reported on your system.
The same kinda thinking will argue with others about not doing things the exact way, and they won't actually move towards a solution because they blame someone else for not doing something the exact correct way.
I'm not being combative. I'm giving free lessons on mindset. And it will be wholly unappreciated because ..
- This behaviour happens when holding down Cmd and hovering over the address bar. It shouldn't be happening if you're not holding down the modifier key - is there something in your system that is somehow emulating the Cmd button being held down?
No I don't.
- Never happens for me.
I don't know what you're referring to here.
- Never happens to me. I use devtools all the time on both Mac and Windows.
I checked the devtools after I wrote this and it was working correctly. I don't know what to tell you. Like I said, certain languages that allow you to manage memory yourself can completely clobber UI functions or other system behavior and those bugs can be very hard to track down.
But you know there is one thing that can be done. I said it happened in the last update. So you guys have Git. You can see the difference, "diff" of code between now and then. And then you see if there's anything that might cause this.
Now I don't even know the language this is written in, so I couldn't begin to help you on that. But you guys know the code.
You've said this sometimes happens in Safari too - so again, is there something about your system rather than a browser bug? Or at least, an additional factor that's triggering these bugs?
Here's the thing where we're pretending I'm some guy who just rolled off the turnip truck. And even though a key detail I gave is that it RARELY happens in Safari but happened a lot in Vivaldi.. detail ignored.
Also I have ALL the same apps running that were running when it was happening before.. And now it hasn't happened for a while.
Nothing has changed, and it hasn't happened for a while. And when I would close and open a browser window it would fix the window where it was happening.
Maybe Shopiify did something coz it was a Shopify site.. I dunno.
- Has been talked about here - but the address bar suggestions did change a while ago, and I haven't found a way to properly get back the old behaviour either. I've gotten it as good as possible by disabling some drop-down suggestions and reordering the others.
Yeah another post suggested to turn off Frequently Visited Sites from suggestions.. but I had to turn off quite a few things, and there is a checkbox that says to autocomplete domains first, that's clearly not working.. And if it works in a way that I don't understand from reading the text on the checkbox, then that's a UI/UX issue not my issue.
Also vanilla Chrome and every other Chrome-based browser from Brave to I dunno .. most others will autocomplete the domain only. That functionality is built into Chrome by default. And most other browsers. It should not be changed.
- Dunno, but you didn't give an example URL or a description of the behaviour so it's impossible to test, let alone offer help.
Yeah well. I'm not a Vivaldi employee. It's amazing how people do not respect others' time. Everyone does this from customer support reps to people that call you and want stuff done immediately.
People just think you have all the time in the world to go "do things properly" and oh do this do that.
I mean this is literally asking for information that normally goes in a ticket in a backlog.
If I knew how to reproduce it I would write it. Again, it's more assumptions that I'm stupid or neglecting to give you enough information.
Tech support can just be summed up as assuming the user is a moron. And don't lie because I've been in that job. Half the time is spent complaining about how stupid users are. There's a comedy show around it! The IT Crowd??
Please spare me the garbage about how I'm being combative and if you work for Vivaldi work the problem. If not please just don't post stuff that's not helpful.
What I posted here if read by the right person is ABSOLUTE GOLD to the person's ability to actually get things done and have good customer service.
But unfortunately it will bruise egos and piss people off, but I dunno what else to say. I would write NONE OF THIS if I didn't get people being combative WITH ME every single time.
And then it's like the trademark of Internet forums
Person is combative -> Person replies to person being combaitve -> combative person blames the person they were combative for doing what they did in the first place.
Don't be condescending to people in the first place.
@aqhillie I'm not a Vivaldi employee.
OK, Enjoy.
(Moderator edit. User is reminded to observe the Code of Conduct
I can confirm bugs 2 and 3. They appear when you use the responsive mode, after that many things are broken about the mouse (impossible to press and select, no select using double click, the pointer does not change,...).
For point 4, I agree and I've encountered the problem but I've recently lost it, so I don't know how I managed to get rid of it (configuration or update).
@manusfreedom Reported bug 2 and 3, because I am not alone anymore
: VB-109605
@manusfreedom Duplicate report closed.
@aqhillie More and more provocative posts and ranting?
I do not think rants are constructive enough to change a product. and convince developers to fix this or that issue.
AAyespy locked this topic on