Visual indication of tiled tabs in tab bar & Windows pane; "always tiled" tab stacks
Answering a question here -> I realized that once two or more tabs are tiled, there is no visual indication on the tab bar or in the windows panel that they are.
I suggest to add a 'tiled' indicator to tiled tabs for a quick way to see which tabs are tiled (without any sort of grouping or changing the position of tabs on the tab bar, that's what tab stacks do).
Furthermore, we already have the ability to tile tabs in a stack, but when adding a new tab to that stack, it's not added to the tiling. Suggestion (originally from the thread linked above): there should be a possibility to define a tab stack as always tiled, i.e. every tab added to the stack is automatically tiled with the other ones.
Obviously, this also needs a visual indicator, hence this feature request belongs together. -
Coming from Arc this is also something that seems relatively obvious and that is sorely missing.
I think it should be possible to make some kind of visual box for a tile group to be represented in, in the tab bar. (Yes, this would have to be different for horizontal and vertical tab bars.)