Can't get consistent autocomplete behavior for (big brand) domain names
OK this is driving me up the wall. I can't get reliable autocomplete for big-brand or frequently visited domain names (root only, no slash-longer-path) with the currently available autocomplete settings. I thought I fixed it by setting the priorities to
- Browser History
- Typed History
- Search / Go To
But what that was doing was autocompleting from History a lot of the time, not recognizing domains as such, and History has the annoying "feature" that it also matches based on page title
not just URL, and that messes up every scenario where I want to search for 2-3 words with my default search engine and NOT to re-open a recent page that happened to have those exact words in its title. (Why even use page titles to autocomplete content into the address bar, ever? The address bar is meant for 1. URLs, 2. search terms, period. No one would ever type page titles into the address bar. Then it makes no sense to autocomplete page titles into it either!)
Then if I move Browser History below any of those other two options, suddenly there are very very few big-brand / recently or frequently visited domains that actually get autocompleted, I have to type in almost everything fully.
Also tried Direct Match as top option (enabled on the Search tab of Settings as well), but it doesn't seem to change anything.
So how do I get consistent autocompletion of ALL domains from my recent history WITHOUT getting my searches messed up by the History page title substring matching?
(Using v6.8.3381.50 Stable)
We’re aware of people’s frustrations with auto-complete and suggestions, and we’re working on improving this. I can’t promise any timeframe or suggest any work arounds at this time.
I am basically just giving this a plus one. I also have a lot of frustration with autocomplete, that's why I searched for this topic. One weird thing I found, that the 'typed history' often suggests some long sub-site URLs which I am pretty sure I've never actually typed in to the address bar myself, instead of suggesting the base domain first. I think it would be very natural to autocomplete to the base domain first, and then if somebody wants to reach a sub-site, they can continue typing after the autocompleted base domain to get suggestions for that part of the URL too. Or they could also select from a dropdown list, but please put the base domain as first suggestion, not a random sub-site!
That would also be the way how most autocomplete functions work in command line shells and programming text editors, i.e. autocompleting up to the longest common part of the possible suggestions, and then the user can select between these options by continue typing. Apparently, the Vivaldi address bar has a lot of options to configure autocomplete, but none of them achieves this very simple and effective way. -
Hi, check if Autocomplete on Domain First is enabled. -
@daniel What is there to improve? Remove the changes that were made, restore it to how it was.