What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?
I still seem to be having the issue which is marked as fixed:
[Tabs] Select from tabs inside the stack when closing a tab from inside a stack (VB-109454)
When the tab closing is set like this:
And when you close the last tab in a stack, instead of staying in the stack it takes you to the next stack or tab in line essentially moving you out of the tab stack you're in.
Can you please confirm if this is fixed or not?
I'm on the latest stable version.
Hi, VB-109454 (New Feature)
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed 23/Oct/24 -
@mib2berlin said in What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?:
Status: Resolved
How can I turn this feature on?
I'm still having the issue where closing a tab moves you out of the stack.
@bilallakhany This thread is not for discussion of bug reports. Please start a new thread. Thank you.
Hi, I would like to ask if this bug is solved or not as of vivaldi 7.1
It's 3 numbers but all the same bugVB-111381 the text of tab titles is blurry in new versions of vivaldi
VB-110858 Blurry tab titles since 7.0 when many tabs are open
VB-110755 after updating to v7, some tab text randomly becomes blurry once many tabs are open -
VB-111381 Confirmed, no dev assigned.
VB-110858 Confirmed, no dev assigned.
VB-110755 Unconfirmed. -
Got it, thank you. -
Good morning people,
Any news about the "search in page" bug that's making Vivaldi hang?
(also I need to learn how to follow this topic using RSS and filter it... but that's another matter...) -
@ericknoleto said in What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?:
Any news about the "search in page" bug that's making Vivaldi hang?
Resolved as fixed. No timeline for releasing a fixed Vivaldi.
@DoctorG that's what I call low latency lol
Vivaldi not only is a wonderful browser but also got a wonderful communityThanks for the fast reply ma'am
(Also I'm considering installing two standalone version of Vivaldi to keep profiles even more separated, so an annoying crash on one won't affect my other "environment", already read how to do it.)
@ericknoleto Please, this thread for asking on bug report statuses, not for more discussions, if you need discussion open a new thread.
May I ask for a status on VB-111206. Thank you
@onvivaldi1 Confirmed, no developer assigned.
Can I ask for a status update on:
- VB-98699 UX does not zoom fully
- VB-98464 Open rtsp link from folder on bookmark bar fails
- VB-98501 (duplicate feature request of VB-3169 I think). Not able to access Autofill settings through the Vivaldi interface
Thanks as always
@tekguru said in What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?:
VB-98699 UX does not zoom fully
Confirmed, no dev assigned.
VB-98464 Open rtsp link from folder on bookmark bar fails
Confirmed, no dev assigned.
VB-98501 (duplicate feature request of VB-3169 I think). Not able to access Autofill settings through the Vivaldi interface
VB-3169 Confirmed, no progress to add this.
I updated bug tracker for current 7.1 and 7.2.
Thanks. It does make me wonder if it is worth reporting bugs when nothing gets done. These were reported a long time ago.
What is the status of VB-81877 or VB-92394 or maybe VB-105599? They're all about "select current tab" selecting all tabs in a stack. It was discussed in:
https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/64550/select-previous-tab-action-wrongly-behaved-when-active-within-a-tab-stack (reported as VB-81877, archived)
https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/67823/select-next-tab-in-tab-stack (archived)
https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/67685/command-chain-and-stacked-tab-selection/ (discussion about VB-81877, and then reported as new bug VB-105599)
https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/80138/regression-bug-select-current-tab-command-still-select-the-entire-stacked-tab/ (reported as VB-92394)And VB-81877 was also asked about in this thread couple of months ago:
@felagund said in What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?:
What is status of VB-81877 (not sure about the title ,probably something about all tabs in a stack being selected instead of just one), please?
@mib2berlin said in What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?:
Hi, confirmed, no dev assigned.
The original thread is archived, please open a new one, I have some questions.
https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/64550/select-previous-tab-action-wrongly-behaved-when-active-within-a-tab-stack/5@felagund said in What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?:
Here: https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/67823/select-next-tab-in-tab-stack/ - there were several threads about this.
Edit: Actually, that also got archived for some reason. Anyway, there is also a thread here: https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/67685/command-chain-and-stacked-tab-selection but it tries to work around the bug, not talk about it.And then it was reported again as VB-105599.
- VB-81877: Confirmed/Unassigned
- VB-92394: Confirmed/Unassigned
- VB-105599: Closed/Cannot Reproduce
@tekguru That report was seen as a missing feature, not as a important bug
Assuming here you are talking about VB-3169? What about the others?