Do not dim the entire Picture in Picture (PiP) video on mouse hover.
It seems like this annoying behavior is inherited from Chromium. Trying the demo here in Chrome by clicking the "Toggle Picture-in-Picture" button, the PiP window looks mostly the same as Vivaldi, with the entire window dimming on mouse hover or keyboard shortcut press. But Vivaldi already makes modifications to Chromium's PiP window by adding sound controls and progress bar, so I hope that this will be modified as well.
Notably, Edge Chromium also fixes Chromium's annoying dimming, by dimming only the bottom controls portion, as suggested. Personally, I would prefer even less (or no) dimming, but partial dimming like that would certainly be an improvement over the current eyesore.
I'd like to vote for this as well.
But I would also like to not have any dimming at all if possible. -
I guess that will will come in Vivaldi if Chromium changes its PiP code.
This is covered by this earlier feature request: Transparency in PIP.
Anyone who wanted no transparency would set the value to zero.
Is that all the developers are capable of?
opacity: 0.5;
linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 90%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 100%)
Find someone the student after the programming courses
I still have the hope of living up to the solution of the problem.
I suggest updating this topic 1 time in 5 years -
@debiedowner I think the Edge solution of dimming controls is the best choice.
Otherwise, on luminous scenes (like big bunny demo) the buttons may have poor visibility. -
@Hadden89 said in Do not dim the entire Picture in Picture (PiP) video on mouse hover.:
@debiedowner I think the Edge solution of dimming controls is the best choice.
Otherwise, on luminous scenes (like big bunny demo) the buttons may have poor visibility.Try checking your words more often. Before you post on this forum.
I drew a strip in EDGE especially for you to understand what a working PIP should look like. -
@Hadden89 actually it's way better in Firefox than in Edge. It even has a fullscreen button and supports subtitles.
But if we look only at Chromium based browsers, then yes, Edge was able to change Chromium's default PiP in Windows version, but as far as I noticed not in Linux version, so it's not consistent either.
I fully support it. I'm not a big fan of Firefox (and its forks), but I admit that this is the best option. It's not PIP here, but that doesn't stop real programmers. They can create improvements on the main player window on the page. This can also be the case in PIP.
I've been waiting for this for a long time. It's been a long time, about 5 years ago. For all of us, with modern unlimited limits, the maximum image quality is set.
Just imagine. All my life, all my conscious decades, I've been opening these useless YouTube player settings just for the second line from the bottom. In the last 10 years, I have never opened other points! And I am sure that there are many people like me, there are millions of us! Who has set these settings 1 time, and does not change them anymore.
I'm only interested in 1 line - it's SPEED!Sometimes, in the mood, I click Feedback and write 3 words "1 click speed" . I'm closing everything, and until next week/month. It's been going on for about the last 5 years.
And so my prayers were answered. But not in Vivaldi! Why?
For me personally, the speed of the video is importance from parameters, the rest is practically not important to me.
I don't have the original FireFox installed.
@RammsteinAM , check it out. -
@sphera said in Do not dim the entire Picture in Picture (PiP) video on mouse hover.:
But not in Vivaldi! Why?
I don't know much about Chromium's PiP implementation, so I can only speculate that it was done by utilizing some OS-related stuff, that's why Edge managed to change it for the Windows version but in Linux it looks almost unchanged (only the icons are different from Chrome):
And maybe that's what makes it tricky for Chromium based browsers like Vivaldi to modify the overlay that dims the PiP window. Not sure though. -
I have to be honest the best implementation of this in a chromium browser has been on Yandex browser hands down. Personally even prefer it that of Firefox.
They managed to make it clean but they also made it so that if you change tabs while you're watching a video it auto pops out the video for you until you switch back to the video tab. Vivaldi imo really needs this
Edit: Gotta mention it also has video speed settings in the popup window.
@Artex "video it auto pops out" -- Opera implemented this before anyone else.
we need everything from Vivladi that is listed on this page.
Your screenshot shows that Yandex browser was the first to translate the video on the fly. Yes, we will put up a monument to him of the championship. More than a year has passed since this momentous event.
And immediately then, a script appeared that repeats the functionality added to any Chromium browser.
So, even after the creation of this script, a year has also passed.
But for Vivaldi, all these things are still news. -
@Artex Just installed Yandex on Linux, and PiP has this window frame which obviously shouldn't be there.
Also noticed a bug that subtitles get stuck after I minimize the main browser window. So again, far from perfect, Vivaldi's PiP is much better on Linux.The Firefox implementation that I mentioned in my previous post, is the same for Windows and Linux. It even allows to have multiple PiP windows at the same time, so yeah, I guess they nailed it, unlike Chromium.
@RammsteinAM I never tried it on Linux, but on Windows it obviously does not have that and isto be very clean.
About the minimizing sounds like its a bug that was overlooked, on Windows there is not option to minimize.
Its unfortunate that on linux it has that window header bar.
@sphera No Yandex was the first. Yandex first implement this in 2017, Opera added this in 2021 lmao, so Yandex had this feature 4yrs BEFORE Opera even tried to replicate it.
edit: typo
@RammsteinAM said in Do not dim the entire Picture in Picture (PiP) video on mouse hover.:
I don't know much about Chromium's PiP implementation, so I can only speculate that it was done by utilizing some OS-related stuff, that's why Edge managed to change it for the Windows version but in Linux it looks almost unchanged (only the icons are different from Chrome):
Doesn't make sense. If Edge can do it, no reason why Vivaldi or any other browser built on Chromium couldn't do the same.
Only thing OS related that i can think of is windows' mini-view PIP (or whatever it was called):
But even with that, i think the implementation is different to what PIP is on the browsers.
Vivaldi; is relatively excellent; there's just one issue that at times requires me; to open up an entirely different browser to have a user-friendly experience;
that is Picture in Picture ; Why is it when; I'm using my keyboard to go backward and or forwards
it causes this colour overlay to occur on PiP video window that makes it difficult to see; the actual video
and or experience it; sooner also why; when the mouse is over the PiP video window;
the colour overlay is so dramatically opaque (visually impaired reasons?) ; is there not a customizable option for this?PiP Media : Colour Overlay Option
Using Media Keys and or Keyboard; etc
[Yes or No (tick)]Pip Media : Colour Overlay Option
[0 to 100 (20)]
Colour of Overlay
[Colour Wheel (shade of gray or other)]Anyways ; hopefully someone out there tries to fix this; I tried going through the HTML, CSS and possibly ;etc of Vivaldi User Interface and was only able to change some semi-unrelated cosmetics; that can't recall; anymore since it was awhile ago.
I think it was to do with the actual other aspects of the Pip UI ; but might be inaccurate....
I constantly hear excuses that the PIP window is Chromium, so can't remove the pale look under the mouse. For the inattentive -- only Firefox can say that. All other browsers listed in this topic are based on the same Chrome. And they somehow found a way to change his annoying behavior. I find a topics about this pale PIP 4 years ago, maybe earlier. And nothing changes. Other browsers can change the Chromium code, Vivaldi cannot.
This topic, and dozens of others about this PIP, talk about completely ignoring user requests.
Let's be fair: If there are requests to remove the blackout, maybe there are opposite requests to enhance the blackout? We must consider the problem from both sides. I appeal to the participants of the forum, who was met thanks to programmers for this PIP? Do they exist? I haven't met this.It's simple, developers ignore users -- I watch videos through other browsers.