Ability to switch between recent tabs across all workspaces
I use workspaces to organize my different sets of tabs.
e.g. I will have one for Personal (email, calendar, others) and another for Work.
I will often switch between tabs across the different workspaces. When I press Ctrl+TAB, I only see the tabs in my current workspace.
It would be excellent to be able to navigate tabs across workspaces through Ctrl+TAB.
Another alternative might to be display the open tabs in Quick Commands in recently used order.
@tmab2003 Please search before posting.
Vote for Switch Between Workspaces by Holding Button and Scrolling.
Search for Switch Workspaces.
@Pesala apologies - I have voted for the other topics, but I am not sure if the above two links are the same for this request. I can switch workspaces just fine, but the desire is to have ability to switch to recent tabs across workspaces.