Guide | π² Vivaldi Search Engines Collection π²
@stardepp, ? try with, it's the new official search domain, not longer exist since time ago.
(And in the name of all gods of the Olymp, don`t use Imgur, one of the worst spyware in the web), use instead Vgy,me, or better FileCoffee, way better and faster than Imgur, apart of privat.
@Pathduck I'm very curious about the "list" you posted. I'm assuming this is your code for a Script to rapidly access these Websites.
If this is in fact a Script, what program / code do you use it in / with?
@Cr8zyIvan Hi - no this was a long time ago
It was just a listing from the JSON backup of search engines using this mod: idea if the mod still works, and a lot has changed since then, search engines are now stored in
Web Data
as a SQLite database and in Sync, so the need for a separate JSON backup is not there for me. -
@Pathduck Gotcha. I'm not a Coder by trade, but I Code a little with AutoHotkey. Your list made me think of some type of pop up menu you would have Coded.
In any case, thank you for sharing (even if it was a long time ago
). More and more, the Googles and Braves of this world don't give me the results I'm looking for and I feel like I'm wasting more and more time Searching for stuff. That's why I'm currently exploring alternative Search Engines. And so yeah, thanks!
@Cr8zyIvan I'm not a coder either - but if you can understand the AHK "language" - probably the most inelegant and ugly syntax I've ever seen in any language - you should be able to understand a lot
Since Vivaldi's search engines are now stored in a database, it's easy to make a backup with the
sqlite3 "Web Data" ".dump keywords" .quit > keywords.sql
This will dump thekeywords
table into a SQL file, that could later if needed be imported back in.You can also export the keywords table as JSON:
sqlite3 "Web Data" "select * from keywords;" -cmd ".mode json" .quit > keywords.json
Then you can "pretty print" this with the
jq . keywords.json far the easiest way to keep a backup of your search engines is using Vivaldi Sync.
Sync search engines is the default setting. I've the full list of mine in Desktop and also in Mobile. Sync is vital for me, also as backup.
@Catweazle - why is still listed as search engine in the list?
And when i change the .io part to .net it is blocked by uBlock Origin.
Good collection although most the Google links are useless to me although many others like them. Thanks for posting.
BTW, glad to see I'm not the only one that uses
@stardepp Peekier now redirect to a subscription based search engine called Kagi so is probably defunct;
Whoogle should be
now. -
@danielson, because @stardepp hasn't change it. In OpenSource services like Whoogle, sometimes they have to change the domain in Public instances, because eg of server problems. Maybe was hacked, because uBO block it. I can't even reach this site.
Do you know what URL (and probably POST parameters) to use to search in UpToDown (
I'm starting to use this as another source of APKs and I want to make quick searches.
Thanks in adv.
@Obiwan2208 Try this:
POST param:q=%s
Tip: Finding POST parameters is usually pretty easy.
- Open the site
- Open Devtools (F12), network tab
- Clear log
- Perform a search
- Click the search request (usually the first one)
- Look at Headers for Request URL (verify it's using POST)
- Look at Payload for parameters:
In this case we can safely ignore the "singlebutton" argument, since it's empty, and it's a good idea to reduce the parameters to only the ones needed for the search to work (always test).
Sometimes you need to check the "Preserve log" option, in case the site does some redirection of the results page.
Some (st00pid) sites use access tokens in the GET/POST request to make sure searches are only allowed from their home page. In such cases, just don't use such search engines, they don't deserve your traffic.
Image search engine.
Google Lens URL no longer works.
What should I do? -
@shifte Works here.
Change to:
Post param:encoded_image={google:imageThumbnail}
Google changes this all the time
Great! Works!
Thanks as always!
β( γ»γ γ»)ΜΜ
- Reverso:
Translate single words, entire paragraphs or docs (via the site)
with the source language andeng
with the destination language provided by site (if supported)
- Reverso Context:
Translate single words or compound expressions with the help of the AI
Again, replace
with source language andenglish
with destination language (if supported) - Reverso:
@Pathduck said in Guide |
Vivaldi search engines collection
POST param: q=%s
A lot of thank you's
, I was stuck.
I really appreciate it.
Update October 11, 2023:
Added the search engine YouTube Music.