CRISES! Entire Feeds Subscription disappeared
@vandorrr OK - then I am surprised that the upgrade script did not restore those. There must be something wrong with that script for your case. The problem with the upgrade script is that we only got one shot and now that is gone by and possible error logs are lost after a restart. I will have to rethink how I can restore your data. Make sure to back up that folder structure before you try any more actions of removing and adding feeds in the browser.
@ltgorm Thank you!
(I have a button at vivaldi://settings/rss/ labeled Update All Feeds, but it does not work.) -
Still the same after the new update.
Hi there, I have the same issue : feeds are in settings tab, but not in feeds panel so I don't see any new more feeds since a few days ago (maybe a week).
6.1.3035.50 (Version officielle) snapshot
in main.html inspect I have
multiple timesI also have indexeddb M3v1 version 1990
In filters > accountId+path
I have feeds in my mail folder
that was one week ago. No new feeds since then. -
What worked for me as a quick fix: go to "Settings/Feeds"; uncheck the "Enable Mail, Calendar and Feeds" button; re-check the button.
@vandorrr New button came with the new update
But it does not solve anything. -
@vandorrr Do you see feeds listed in settings for Feeds? Do you have a folder structure on your disk under
<vivaldi installation directory>/Default/Mail/8f8c62 and does that contain folders for yearsl/months/days? And are there any .eml files there? -
@vandorrr Hello again. I missed that I was logged in with a test account that I use for mail testing. So memorex is my alter-ego
@ltgorm Hello ltgorm alias memorex! I have deleted my feeds from my settings, restarted, then re-added my feeds. It works and builted up from the untouched feed directory. It get update from rss, and seems to be working.
@ltgorm I am having a similar issue. I had to clear my cache and my account is synced and the RSS feeds are listed in the settings but they do not populate and I cannot add any new feeds.
Just updated Vivaldi and that did not fix it.
MacBook Pro Mac OS Ventura 13.5
Vivaldi 6.1.3035.257 (Stable channel) (arm64)I also have submitted a bug report.
RSS is/was my favorite part of Vivaldi.
@Calixthe Do you see any errors in the Mail Status? Or in Console? See for how to find the console logs.
@ltgorm I did all three methods:
(with abbreviated instructions)
Check the console log for errors using
additional background DevTools window that might show more errors using
And "open the console using the Mail status button."
Click the settings wheel in the top right corner of the pop-up window and pick View Log
And all three did not show any errors.
@Calixthe could you investigate for me the Feeds filters that you have in your db and report back to me as explained in my instructions from this post:
thanks in advance
After the recent update, all previous RSS feeds disappeared. SO I started again and get this error
Did you click on the restore feeds button? -
Yes, of course. Nothing happened
I'm getting the same error. Restore Feeds doesn't change anything.
is there anything, that can be done to get my RSS-Feeds working again?
Today Suprise, 6.4.3160.47
Any news that this bug ?