Pulling the plug on expired Operating Systems
@Catweazle Nope but It look nice even I'm not very sure on how QT can perform with 1gb, actually ^^
@Hadden89 , it's just the bare minimum for this OS to work, about half of what Win 10/11 needs.
But it is a value that is still widely surpassed by any PC, even if it is old, at least one that no longer has a tube monitor.
Deepin is based on Debian and has similar min sys specs.@Zalex108 , 20.8, I think, it's the last stable.
@Catweazle Yes, but never been an huge fan of Plasma-Like desktops and QT4 carries over a lot of dependecies ^^,
Guess I'm more into GTK-Classic(Xfce)/OpenBox but I still have to buy a case and a cheap GPU for my machine.
My choice is Mint for Debian Based and Fedora for Red Hat Based (but they are bit more aggressive on resources). -
@Hadden89 At that point, I had no reason to use Windows anymore. What I was able to do with Windows, I could just as easily perform the same tasks with Linux.
@Zalex108 , well, on the one hand, slow is subjective (Vivaldi in any case doesn't stand out for being the fastest) and apparently, he has the same thing on Windows. It occurs to me that it is more a problem of the speed of the processor (even the crappy laptop I have has 3.6 GHz) or some graphic problem.
Here works on an older + limited PC xD
For those on LowEnd and want to stick in Win,
This would help.Tested on a
1.6GHz Core Duo 2 GB DDR2 HDD
It works!
V as a but can run.
Actually, tested on Mint and Zorin x86 and doesn't fly either but those specs are quite low so a normal behavior.
(Also not enough Linux Techy to adequate at it's max ) -
Hi, does this Windows "Distro" include a running security system?
Some of these Lite Windows remove Defender for better performance, for example.Cheers, mib
It's removed too.It can be installed otherwise if I recall.
Actually there are some different versions with different setups.Any way, before install and pretend to use it as default, the ReadMe has to me read to understand the differences.
On my side I'm without AV since years ago xD
@mib2berlin , in my old Windows in the past since XP, I used the Panda AV, very lightweight (~20Mb), fast and very efficient. Receive virus definition in the cloud in real time, not from a database on disk. It was the first AV with this system, with this it don't slow down humble systems.
The free version is enough, currently it has even a VPN, but limited in the free version (150Mb/day). -
Hi, I use Defender for 15 years or so, never got any issues with it but I try Panda for some time now. Installed and running.Cheers, mib
EDIT: And the first time ever a Vivaldi update is blocked running Panda. -
Very factual and intelligent speech!
The whole truth in a few sentences.
I most definitely sign this statement.Bardzo rzeczowa i inteligentna wypowiedź!
Cała prawda w kilku zdaniach.
Jak najbardziej podpisuję się pod tą wypowiedzią.„Wylać dziecko z kąpielą”!
"Throw the baby out with the bathwater"!
CZŁOWIEK JAKO ISTOTA PSYCHICZNA HUMAN AS A PSYCHIC BEING ↓ Ocena i wartościowanie Rating and valuation (Any valuation for this symbiosis is pointless). ↓
wola, postawy, nastawienie człowieka wobec świata i życia
the will, attitudes, attitude of man towards the world and life...ktoś, chcąc usunąć negatywne aspekty jakiejś sytuacji, zastosował zbyt radykalne środki i usunął także pozytywne skutki tej sytuacji.
...someone, wanting to remove the negative aspects of a situation, used too radical measures and removed also the positive effects of this situation.Czyli tak szeregowy użytkownik Vivaldi został potraktowany przez swoich darczyńców.
So that's how a regular user of Vivaldi was treated by his donors.Nie wylewa się dziecka z kąpielą!
The baby is not thrown out with the bathwater!PS
„With Windows, you do not need to install other AV — Windows Defender and Firewall is good enough for most users. However, if you want to keep your PC protected, you need to upgrade”.Nonsense!
Thoughtless statement.
One contradicts the other.No offense Pesala!
Bezmyślna wypowiedź.
Jedno przeczy drugiemu.Bez urazy Pesala!
Hi, it is very simple:
If you use Windows 7 - 8.1 you cant get support for Vivaldi, Egde, Chrome and other Chromium based browser from version 110 and up anymore.
Maybe Opera from China and others have the resources to maintain further versions supporting for older OS.
We will see.
This meant not Vivaldi does not work anymore, but if one have issues or bugs nobody fix it.
I hope it is possible to backport security issues for some time to the last supported version.Cheers, mib
@zalex108: I used Opera 12 (my eternal love) for more than 5 years after it's EOL. I expected that problems with sites will become earlier, but Opera really surprised me.
I don't expect it'll be the same this time. But still hope for at least few years.Already have Ubuntu as second OS that I boot and update few times in a year. It's waiting for it's time when I'll decide that Win7 is become obsolete for my needs. But years passed and Ubuntu is still waiting...
@mib2berlin some time ago Panda blocked windows update, so I fear is not good as before.
Here is still installed and Opera Mail too.
This time could be worst and last for shorter time.For the moment I'll make some space and add a dual boot too, don't want to spend too much time learning a new OS but don't discard I install some Mint or something else too at some point.
IMHO Vivaldi should post some sort of tutorial to help win7&8 user to migrate to Linux smoothly, or at least put up a dual boot tutorial for dummies to help less tech savvy user to be able to continue using Vivaldi without breaking their piggy bank - telling someone to buy a new PC/laptop next year to continue access Vivaldi isn't really a positive message.
After all, Vivaldi won't see a dime from Microsoft/Apple/Google when Vivaldi user are force to buy new PC/laptop to "keep up with the progress"...