Flatpak support
+1 for flatpak!
@CorruptComputer said in Flatpak support:
I would also love to see this be made available, specifically for Fedora Silverblue and the Steam Deck where I've been missing Vivaldi.
If you're using Fedora Silverblue there is a work-around for getting Vivaldi installed but it is a bit of a pain since you need to reboot every time it updates for the update to take effect.
Add a file called
with the following contents:[vivaldi] name=vivaldi baseurl=https://repo.vivaldi.com/archive/rpm/x86_64 enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://repo.vivaldi.com/archive/linux_signing_key.pub
Then install Vivaldi via:
rpm-ostree install vivaldi-stable
This method doesn't work for the Steam Deck though, so you'll just need to wait for a Flatpak there.
This was very useful, it deserves its own blog post! It's the best way to install Vivaldi on silverblue until we get Flatpak support (if ever)
Flatpak support (or even Snap for Ubuntu) is a must for a good user experience. Here in Brazil many laptops are coming with EndlessOS, which only supports Flatpak and is similar to Fedora Silverblue. Without Flatpak, the user has to use random scripts and issue obscure commands to install Vivaldi, which most users will never do as they didn't install the system themselves and aren't Linux nerds. That's also inconvenient and a bad UX in general for anyone. With some Linux distros moving away from traditional packaging formats, and devices coming with Linux preinstalled, it's important to make Vivaldi accessible to any user graphically, and there's no better way of doing that than to make Vivaldi easily available in Flathub. Most famous browsers are already available there, some with hundreds of thousands of downloads from people all around the world. Those are users Vivaldi is missing by not being in those stores.
Adding my vote for adding Flatpak support to Vivaldi. I also received a deck and underestimated just how much of a pita it'd be to install software without it.
But I could not help myself addressing this extremely silly set of comments from an earlier poster:
You don't necessarily need a flatpak to install Vivaldi to your Steam Deck
No, I suppose we do not specifically need a flatpak to install Vivaldi on SteamOS, just a distribution method that can set up executable binaries on an immutable filesystem and also isn't DEB or RPM. Not too many formats tend to fit that criteria besides flatpak (maybe AppImage, in theory?) and Valve's offical format for non Steam Software is flatpak, so it would probably make sense to support flatpak.
just use the official Vivaldi method using the script. Install Linux snapshots on non-DEB/RPM distributions
to the end of the line if you 'd like to install Stable instead).This very good, well-engineered script,
I'm very sure Ruari put a lot of care and polish into this script, but regardless it is a step backward from the desktop standard of a one-click, integrated executable installation, or even a package manager GUI.
Furthermore, the support page emphasizes that this is only intended as a last resort if neither DEB or RPM are supported by your distribution:
This script is provided for users where no native package is readily provided by us (or your distribution). For Vivaldi stable releases in particular, we strongly recommend you use one of our official packages or ask your distribution if they provide unofficial repacks. We are more than happy to work with distribution maintainers to help facilitate this.
IIRC there's an unofficial flatpak repack of vivaldi on github mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but I think I speak for many in this thread in that browsers are one of the few things that I absolutely want built from the original maintainer or not at all.
contrary to the anti-KISS, corporate flatpak or whatever other container (that bloats the system and which is associated with TONS of problems, security and whatnot) installs Vivaldi to your
, the codecs to your/home/deck/.local/lib
and gets updated every week iirc, so you are perfectly covered from the get-go.You do realize that 1 of the only two formats Vivaldi distributes in, originated from one of those 'spooky' corporations, right? Or that Vivaldi is a company with a proprietary product, similar to said corporations, not a nonprofit or foundation, right?
Being paranoid of a technology solely because of where it comes from and not because of what it does or its quality is nonsensical. Several non-free entities have (and continue to) contributed to open source and free projects (indeed, a large proportion of commits to these projects are from these entities) and the entire ecosystem is better because of it.
Furthermore, Vivaldi is already "self-contained" (you could even run Vivaldi if you 'd download the .deb or .rpm, extract the contents somewhere in your /home and run it from there) and respects the FHS,
Well that's good to know. I guess as long as vivaldi can find a directory it can run in, it will stay in that directory. Too bad that neither of the types of binaries they officially ship were designed for that paradigm within an immutable system.
a) you don't actually need any "container solution", use Vivaldi's official method to install to Steam Deck
b) Vivaldi is already "self-contained" (you could extract it from a .deb or .rpm and run it inside your /home/ *), it's better engineered than any other browser that puts itself under/usr/bin
, thus already suitable for the St D.This is great, but what would be greater is if they didn't ship that browser in a format that assumes the distribution is RPM or Debian derived (not the worst assumption, but as can be demonstrated elsewhere in this thread, it doesn't always hold true).
unfortunately Vivaldi developers are resistant to new technologies, and it's not just them, technologies like pipewire, flatpak and wayland
which are all corporate "technologies"coming from the usual suspects Red Hat, Ubuntu specifically written for cloud computing and servers but shoved down to everyone's throat for the desktop
Please don't tell me you want pulseaudio and x11 to be the future of linux.
Corporate containers are anti-KISS and in reality anti GNU/Linux my friend. Those companies are only using people's ignorance and lazyness for their own benefits and goals, which lie in turning your PC into a closed dumb terminal talking to their mainframe, their businesses called IoT and Edge Computing.
What exactly "keeps it simple" to run a script that manually extracts and sets up Vivaldi, not including the manual shortcut and PATH maintenance that must be maintained if on a system that regularly resets the rootfs, and ALSO must be run on every update to the browser...vs downloading an executable file/container that does all of the above, integrates into the system, and maintains its own updates, transparently, automatically, and seamlessly...like every other platform?
And on another note, have you considered that people don't mind their computing devices being quite simplified terminals that accomplish their goals? Most people actually prefer this (see: the entire mobile device industry).
It's good to always keep in mind that "Linux" has the corporate side and the community side, one should be rather sceptical -not to say... suspicious!- when they advertise their new, "ground-breaking" toys and certainly not team up with BIG corporations, it never turns out good.
You can caution against encroaching moves by corporations without ignoring the improvements they do make or delusional about the problems that they address.
Past a certain size, it no longer makes sense to develop a software as a hobby whether solo, or as a group; doubly so for the ecosystem of software that ends up depending on that hobby software.We are not yet in a world that allows for the free pursuit of passions with human necessities seen as a right and provided as one (I would like to be there, but we aren't). In this world, human attention is finite, money is a constant anxiety, and eating the cost of software labor on top of maintaining a separate job is unrealistic. Hence, support and development will go to and come from these companies and corporations.
Many of the technologies that make *nix as good as it is now are the result of brilliant, dedicated volunteers that end up working full time at these corporations or splintered-off groups that formed their own corporations - because it takes time, and money, to build and maintain code ecosystems on the scale of the Linux ecosystem.
You don't have to blindly trust every technology or contribution from these entities (you shouldn't) but you should actually try to assess the worth of each contribution with fairness and nuance, and if you disagree....make something better. Because I can tell you for a fact that outside of this niche within the Linux company...no one cares. Especially not users, who you can see, within this thread, just want Vivaldi to work with the hardware and software they have.
But that's enough of a novel; Team Vivaldi, please consider supporting flatpak
+1 whatever it takes to make Vivaldi work on Steam Deck.
Vivaldi is my primary browser on my Win10 machine so would like to be able to continue using Vivaldi on Steam Deck in desktop mode. Thanks!
Another +1 from me.
It's a shame, as I've been using Vivaldi for years everywhere... except on the Deck.
That might be just me... but Steam Deck has shipped more than one million units a week ago and won't stop growing anytime soon.
Another one from the Steam Deck crowd here. I'm actually running Vivaldi on the Deck using the snapshot script, and it sorta kinda works, but especially keeping it updated is a huge nuisance. Basically I have to run the install script on every login. Having it on flatpak/Discover is quite necessary in the long run, I think. Vivaldi is the only application on my Deck that isn't installed in the standard way.
If you want to be on the platform, you have to adhere to the distribution methods.
+1 for flatpack support.
A jerky workaround which is not ideal, and requires reboots is available here already (but works in game mode) https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/yhs0re/ -
+1 from me.
Not (yet) on SteamOS, Silverblue/Kinoite, or MicroOS, but a Flatpak is the easiest way to install there for those that do.
Should my current laptop break (which I sure hope it doesn't
), I would seriously consider replacing it with a Steam Deck because of its performance/energy efficiency/price combination.
Also, currently not many distributions package/maintain Vivaldi. Flatpak (or Snap for Ubuntu) puts it in the software stores of many distributions for more people to find.
Another +1 from me.
I have a Steam Deck and my main machine runs Fedora Silverblue, the lack of Flatpak is blocking me from fully migrating to Vivaldi.
Flatpak support would be a much better solution for non-DEB/RPM distros than using the install script.
+1 from me.
i'm currently using Manjaro without any issue with Vivaldi, but while playing with Fedora/OpenSuse Tumbleweed at virtual machine I'm facing issue to install Vivaldi on them, receiving warnings about keys.
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://repo.vivaldi.com/archive/vivaldi-fedora.repo sudo dnf install vivaldi-stable
sudo zypper ar https://repo.vivaldi.com/archive/vivaldi-suse.repo sudo zypper install vivaldi-stable
Here's an (incomplete) list of browsers that are on Flathub:
- Brave Browser
- Tor Browser
- Chromium Web Browser
- Midori Web Browser
- GNOME Epiphany
- Falkon
- LibreWolf
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Firefox
- ...
Basically every browser I can think of is available as a flatpak. This makes the browser easy to install/update on any distro and on the steam deck. In a way that cleanly integrates with the rest of the OS (which no script can do).
@wellington said in Flatpak support:
unfortunately Vivaldi developers are resistant to new technologies, and it's not just them, technologies like pipewire, flatpak and wayland and I don't even comment on some communities. Flathub already has: Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Chromium and Brave. We don't need to try to convince those who don't want to see it, we already have good options for some even better.
I have the Brave Flatpak installed and it seems to behave as it should but your examples for why a Flatpak version of Vivaldi fall FLAT. Take Pipewire it still has issues over Pulse. Yes the issue are slowly being worked out but they are still there. Take Wayland it's fine if you're running a AMD / ATI card but on nVidia it can be a true nightmare.
unfortunately the install-vivaldi.sh script does not work out of the box on my distro - a fresh install of Alpine Linux. it returns with:
tar: ./opt/vivaldi-snapshot: not found in archive
when checking the contents of the tar, it's these four files:
(and these three binary).so unfortunately I have to agree with the criticism that this is not a proper solution.
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+1 for flatpak
Immutable systems like Fedora Silverblue depend on flatpak for software.
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@crossLain said in Flatpak support:
+1 for flatpak
Immutable systems like Fedora Silverblue depend on flatpak for software.
And that is wrong. I use Flatpaks but should be able to choose how and where I install from.
I'm sorry, but I fail to understand your point and how my statement is wrong...
@crossLain said in Flatpak support:
I'm sorry, but I fail to understand your point and how my statement is wrong...
Cause you sound like everything should be flatpak.