Vivaldi windows move from the external screen when waking the device from sleep
Hi folks,
I'm using the latest stable on MacOS Big Sur and encountering following behaviour: When I unplug and replug an external monitor, all separate windows are shown on 1 desktop (seems random to me which one) of 3 I use on 2 screens incl. built-in for Macbook pro.
I don't have this with any other browser or app. Everything is shown on their places after waking up or unplugging and plugging in the external display via usb-c.
Is this preventable? Thanks in advance.
Is your issue similar to this one? Could you try enabling the "Use Native Window" setting (Settings > Appearance > Window Appearance) and report back if the issue still occurs?
@pafflick Hi Paweł, thanks for the reply. I'll try couple of days with the setting enabled (doesn't seem to be a real solution for my usage because of the lost space and a bar sitting above, but will do to test). I'll report my findings afterwards. Thanks.
PS: Yes, seems similar.
Vivaldi is moving from the external display to the Macbook's internal display after external display sleeps. Eg. macOS is locked or put to sleep. Other apps intelligently knows to put all windows back when external display is back on. Eg. macOS is unlocked or woke from sleep.
Launch Vivaldi and it opens on the external display connected to my Macbook.
Turn off external display or sleep macos.
When I unlock macOS Vivaldi's window has moved to the external display. I have to drag it back to the external display every time.
I have this issue for more than a year or two now with 3 different external displays.
Vivaldi 5.0.2497.43 (Stable channel) (x86_64)
Revision 672fb5e78c9c34b4108fa26000341c6a7891819f
OS macOS Version 11.6 (Build 20G165)Reddit thread:
Similar issue:
There is a newer version of macOS 11.6 at 11.6.2 (might be another one this week or next week)
Vivaldi just got an update today
@billyzduke, I have exactly the same problem.
I use my MacBook (Monterey 12.1) with 2 external LG HDR 4K displays connected by USB-C, and when the laptop is woken up, the app's browser windows do not remain anchored where I left them. And their size and position are quite random every time, so it's kind of annoying to rearrange them back.
Hi Vivaldi Team
I have the same issue on my MacBook Pro:
Vivaldi 5.2.2623.24 (Stable channel) (x86_64)
Revision 861e44c7b5afb122d7a0c5e33f860e75192971bd
OS macOS Version 11.6.4 (Build 20G417)
JavaScript V8
I found "Use Native Window" by myself two weeks ago, I thought it might solve the problem, turned it on, but nothing changed! -
I'm on 5.3.2679.68 (Stable channel) (arm64)
and this is happening for a while now.Usually when connecting my external screen or when waking up the mac while connected to the external screen some or all Vivaldi windows are positioned so that the top is extending beyond the top of the screen.
With regular windows I can grab them back by the status bar at the bottom but for example the settings window has no such bar, making it awkward and very inconvenient to get the full window back.
macOs Monterey 12.3.1
MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020)If any more information is helpful in investigating this, please don't hesitate to request it.
Same issue.
16-inch MacBook Pro, 2021 w/ M1
MacOS Monterey 12.5Vivaldi 5.3.2679
Native window manager fixes it, but I would like to use the Vivaldi window manager because it looks better.
Mine moves to the internal display, but at half page vh, often times cutting the browser nav off, and one cannot drag it back into place.
Sometimes it also opens 50vh but at the bottom of the screen - will try and recreate the issue and post a screen shot with that.
I have this problem as well, Vivaldi moves to internal display, and often cutting the nav bar off. This is a dealbreaker for me, I cannot keep my workflow and organisation going when this happens several times a day.
I also have this issue. It happens with 100% consistency. When I wake my mac, all Vivaldi windows return to the main MacBook screen, not the displays they were on when the mac went to sleep.
@pafflick, I've tried the recommended suggestion you posted previously, enabling the "Use Native Window" setting (Settings > Appearance > Window Appearance). The issue occurs whether this is enabled or not.
I've been dealing with this issue for 2 years now. Can we get an update on this issue? I'm leaving this feedback because I can't deal with it any more and I'm about to switch browsers.
Are there any more updates for this issue?
Although it seems trivial, this problem is very annoying to many people.
Now I'm going to try to use another browser. -
I would also like this issue to be fixed. Not a dealbreaker for me, but it is pretty annoying.
Hi there, It's been years since this issue was reported and I've been getting around it but it's really annoying, do we've a date for this issue to be fixed? I'm also going to switch browsers, it's not great as I use Vivaldi for day to day work.
I'm disgusted with the lack of response on this issue. I'm thinking it's worth learning how to organize folders on other browsers. I'll live without the tiling.