Command Chain Recipes
@pafflick I thought about this just today, in my opinion the best solution would be to provide additional parameters to all commands that include a new tab.
Currently we have e.g. open link and open link in background tab.
But we could have: open link / link parameter / background parameter
which would mean less commands overall. -
@luetage This is great! Sadly "Select Previous Tab" doesn't work as you would think in a Tab Stack, instead it selects the entire Tab Stack and not an individual tab. Hence my workaround without selecting anything:
Close and Right
- Next Tab (by Order)
- Delay 5
- Previous Tab (Recent)
- Delay 5
- Close Tab
- Next Tab (Recent)
Close and Left
- Previous Tab (by Order)
- Delay 5
- Next Tab (by Order)
- Delay 5
- Close Tab
It's important in step 3 of "Close and Right" to use "Previous Tab (Recent)" and not "(by Order)"
Also the "Close and Left" is shorter as it doesn't require to switch back to the necessary tab.
@arthurakhadov I don’t think there is a perfect version. This one introduces a flicker because of the tab switching, but of course when using tab stacks it is the way to go. And all versions fail when changing the »close tab activation« order. It seems to me like everyone needs to code their own version depending on tab activation and selection settings; and whether or not one uses tab stacks.
I recently added 2 more recipes to my own collection, which replace already existing commands and add a little extra.
- Tile Vertically
- Delay
- Deselect Tabs
{"category":"CATEGORY_COMMAND_CHAIN","chain":[{"key":"854f8a44-50bd-41bc-8277-acd51e719d1b","label":"Tile Vertically","name":"COMMAND_TAB_STACK_TILE_VERTICAL"},{"defaultValue":1000,"key":"2eb81004-6703-46db-9933-6afcfde924e4","label":"Delay","name":"COMMAND_CHAINED_SLEEP","param":50},{"key":"cf44c36e-ab42-4700-a80e-93f5f504c72b","label":"Deselect Tabs","name":"COMMAND_PAGE_SELECTION_CLEAR"}],"key":"cl19xkas700c72z5w9rjg9lra","label":"Tile","name":"COMMAND_cl19xkas700c72z5w9rjg9lra"}
Standard vertical tiling, but gets rid of tab selection immediately.
Page Source
- View Page Source
- Delay
- Open Link in Current Tab
Opens the page source and enables line wrapping automatically.
This particular example may not be useful to anyone else, but the method is useful for anyone trying to automatically fill out a form! It also leaves the last field entry selected, which lets the user just click "Enter" to submit the form.
Autofill Form Input Fields and Select (Example: $10.00 Amazon Gift Card)
- Open Link in New Tab
- Delay
- Open Link in Current Tab
javascript:(function() {document.getElementById('gcui-asv-reload-form-custom-amount').value = '10.00';})();
- Delay
- Open Link in Current Tab
javascript:(function() {document.getElementById('gcui-asv-reload-form-custom-amount').select();})();
This Javascript won't automatically submit the form for this example, but idk it may work on other sites. This is the first Javascript I've ever tried, so there could certainly be something I don't understand that's stopping it!
6. Open Link in Current Tab
javascript:(function() {document.getElementsByName("submit.gc-buy-now")[0].click()})()
- Open Link in New Tab
@ukanuk You could probably get rid of the extra steps and bring all the Javascript together. If you need a delay between steps, you can do it with the setTimout method.
A chain of commands to search for the selected text on the current site in GOOGLE :
Chain Name :
Search for the highlighted on the site in GOOGLECommand 1:
Open the link in the current tabTeam Parameter:;history.pushState(null, null, null);
This chain is convenient to use as a context menu item for the selected text on the page.
@luetage Hi, does this still works? Whenever I try it the first page to open is always a Vivaldi help menu...
@Farturex Which command chain are you testing?
@luetage Follower Tab
@Farturex Yes, or the page just reloads or does some other weird stuff. I can’t tell you why right now. Something has changed. Will have to investigate. Do other chains which use javascript code work for you?
@luetage So yes it still works? Or yes it opens the help page? Ahaha sorry didn't get which one of those is. It's the only JavaScript chain that I have. Do you need me to test some other one?
@Farturex Wait, I think the chain clicks the first link automatically to create the follower tab and tile it. All the other links should open in this tab then. But something goes wrong along the way. I don’t use this chain
@luetage Yeah it's not opening the first link. It's instead opening vivaldi help page.
Edit: Ok it kinda works. It opens the first link on page ( cause we're in the forums ) then selects the original tab and the new one, stacks and tile them. But then I click in any link on the mother page and a third tab opens and behaves like the follower. The first page link is in between them doing nothing. Can you help?
@Farturex It used to work, or I wouldn’t have posted it. The code hasn’t changed. I don’t know what goes wrong. Maybe you can play with it a little and find out more about it.
Add POST search
- Open Link in New Tab
- Previous Tab (Recent)
- Open Link in Current Tab
Gives you the option to add a search engine which uses POST method to Vivaldi. All credit goes to @QuHno, who wrote the bookmarklet. Please read his blog post about it ☛ This command chain does nothing more than opening search settings for your convenience and then triggering the bookmarklet on the current page. Follow directions on screen.
- Open Link in New Tab
Follow PiP
- Open Link in Current Tab
javascript:(()=>{var visible=true;document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", (e) => {visible = !visible; if (!visible){[...document.querySelectorAll('video')].filter(v => !v.paused)[0].requestPictureInPicture();return;}document.pictureInPictureElement && document.exitPictureInPicture();});history.replaceState({},"",location.href)})();
(it uses a trick posted in previously in this post to revert the url back to its state)
Purpose : if you have a video running on the page you run this, when you switch tabs it triggers the picture-in-picture so you can keep looking at the video. If you return to the source tab, the pip disables.
It has a small "drawback" : when switching tabs out, to work, one has to have interacted with the page first (one click 'anywhere' will do)
- Open Link in Current Tab
@MasterLeo29 It’s an interesting idea, but it doesn’t work for me for some reason. I copy/pasted the code and ran it on a page with video. Tried to switch tabs with both shortcut and clicking and pip didn’t trigger.
@luetage Seems odd. Did you interact with the page after pasting the code ? (the "drawback" I mentioned).
Also, was the video running ? Was on a particular website, or in any ? (I tested on Youtube and Twitch) -
@MasterLeo29 Tested on youtube. When it reacts to switching tabs it doesn’t switch tabs, fullscreens the video and shows pip as empty overlay. When closing pip manually tab switches afterwards. This is completely broken in my case. Might depend on platform. Maybe it would work better listening for
, checking whether it’s the video tab and then either showing pip or showing original video depending on the outcome.