Sending/Syncing Tabs between devices not working
@prx1 Sync has performance issues at the moment ☛
Both bug reports have been flagged as duplicate of
VB-86341: "Send to your devices" option doesn't work
which is confirmed - according to
With new Snapshot version 5.2.2581.4 sync does not work any longer for me. I receive error:
I hope it will solve itself over time - some magic occurring or someone fixing it on the other side.
Hopefully, the forces of Muspell did not arrive and destroyed the Bifröst, and Heimdallr is guarding it correctly...
I submitted a bug report for the general sync problem in my 5.2.2581.4 version. It has number: VB-86742. Just for the ones interested.
I have Vivaldi installed on two computers and a telephone. In all of them, I am logged (same user name).
I have no problem sending a link from my desktop to my phone, except it takes quite some time (2-10 minutes) to receive the link on my phone.
However, I don't know how it works the other way around: I can send the link from my phone to my main computer... but where do I find it? It doesn't appear in a popup on my screen (the preferred option) nor it is in my Notifications field. So where is it?
Finally, my second computer isn't listed in the "send to" list of either my phone or my main computer. In other words, I can send FROM it to my phone or main computer (with the caveat above), but I cannot send TO it. Any ideas why? I don't access Internet often with it and the computer is often off. Is that why?
You say that you are logged in, which I assume means that you have set up sync both on the phone and on your desktop. With sync, you don't need to actively send tabs from A to B, the devices just "know" whatever is open on another device.
On the desktop browser, note the cloud icon in the upper right hand corner next to the trash bin. Click it, and you will get access to the last couple of tabs open on your other synced devices.
On the mobile phone, access the tab switcher (the button that gives you an overview over the open tabs as shown here
Note the cloud icon on the toolbar of that overview.
@michgagnon: I filed two bugs (VB-86490 and VB-86491) for sync problems between desktop-->desktop and Android-->desktop. Both desktop-->Android and Android-->Android work for me. Asked for the current status of both bugs I received the answer here that they are marked as duplicate of bug
VB-86341 "Send to your devices" option doesn't work
which has been confirmed. Hence, I assume you encounter the same problem with your description above...
Thanks, I see what you mean. That's a tip I wasn't aware of. I thought the cloud was simply wasting space on the title bar to tell me that I am connected; now I see it does much more than that. Alas, there still seems to be that l-o-n-g delay between pages I open on one device (ex.: phone) and the moment they appear in the cloud on the other one.
The cloud also only lists my computer and phone where Vivaldi is running. Since Android applications tend to run in the background even when they are "closed", that might explain why I can always transfer stuff to my phone but not to the other computer where Vivaldi is really closed.
Unless the other computer is victim of the bug Patrick is talking about...
@michgagnon there are some recent threads on the forum about problems with sync. I don't don't know what the usual update frequency is to put the l-o-n-g delay into perspective, but I (admittedly not the biggest sync user) generally have no problem finding the last tabs I had open on device 1 when clicking the cloud icon on device 2.
This post is deleted! -
@patrickweiden I have the same problem.
My solution is:
Go to vivaldi://flags. Find "Enable system notifications." Set it to enable.
Sending tabs from android to windows now working like it should.I set "Send tab to self 2.0" enabled too but i don't know it's important.
@cinek: I tried your suggestion. Unfortunately, it did not work for me. Nothing happens. Furthermore, in vivaldi://sync-internals, it still says "Notifications Enabled = false".
@Pierric: The problem of not correctly opening tabs using the cloud icon seems to be gone for me with newest snapshot version on Windows. Can you confirm that it works for you, too?
I don't know why but it stopped working. I turned off these settings (Enable system notifications) and now tabs are uploaded again. Something is blocking the transmission, I wonder where the problem is. -
@Pierric: The problem of not correctly opening tabs using the cloud icon seems to be gone for me with newest snapshot version on Windows. Can you confirm that it works for you, too?
Sorry it took me time to reply, I haven't used Windows much lately. Though I couldn't test Windows-to-Windows again, I've checked Linux-to-Windows, Android-to-Windows and Windows-to-Linux, all of which work!
Pierric. -
Usually, I mainly used my Android in conjunction with my browser for reading. And sometimes I need to share links between the two,
which btw, an option to send link from browser to android is, if its available, greatly difficult to find. And no, the cloud option is a very poor annoying method of sharing links/tabs. Any help/advice for this is helpful but not the main goal, for now.
Its annoying and frustrating, but it works and I enjoyed Vivaldi enough to grind through it.
But around the past weeks, it completely and utterly failed.
The links I sent from my android to browser failed to appear when I open my browser.
The cloud button failed to sync and just now, only show a single tab out of several stacks and singular tab. And the tab that is shown, is the one I tried and failed to share previously, with an outdated device name (as in I change the name of my device)
And yes, I already tried logging out and in, it didn't work and it even messes up my bookmark and I need to rearrange it
This is the screenshot of my vivaldi://sync-internals
Any help for this would be greatly appreciated.
this is an "old" issue, two months ago. A few threads explain details.
Solution is to delete sync data on server. -
@fauthd and @Raff155: Sending tabs from Android to Desktop is confirmed bug VB-86341, see here:
Isn't there a problem in sharing (send) pages between devices? I can share between windows (Win7 64) and Android (10, 11). But it doesn't work the other way around.
Sorry, I should have probably mention that I already tried that and all it did is messes up my bookmark, again.
Delete sync data and logging out and in. Those are two of the solutions I have tried so far
Chiming in with Vivaldi 5.1 Desktop and Android, still can't send tabs across either way. Any progress on this bug?