Export/Import for User Settings
it would be nice to have it as a priority XD such a vital an important thing UnU is like creating a car, adding new stuff, new seats, stereo, but forgot to create a way to change the wheels XD
@FlowXP agree XD and you would't even need a vivaldi account or you can just share them with friends and a lot of cool and vital stuff
In the meantime, follow the Tip.
"Off Topic Tip"
Follow the Signature's Backup | Reset link.
Take the opportunity to start a Backup plan and even create a Template Profile.
Windows 7 (x64)
Vivaldi Backup | Reset + Extra Steps -
Opera < 13 had a third party programme to do that. Exported everything to a Zip file. Back it up and you could put all your customizations right back in.
Don't know what happened to the developer.But then O12 and Chromium... like Apples and Oranges. With every Chromium change what happens?
@Zalex108 OVerly complicated that's how Im used to do things, a lot of things break! and carryng a 300mb-2GB folder is annoying and slow :c I would personally like a more human way
@Mpc46 Maybe I missed some points but I showed a simple solution - even for different profiles - in this thread.
Just copy the
- folder (that is the standard profile-folder) and paste it into the other PCs/notebooks. You can use an USB-stick.In the secondary machines you have to install Vivaldi first of course and run it.
Then, after closing, overwrite the profile folder from stick.And finally you can activate synchronization.
@Dancer18 @Pesala
That's the point :T it could be 2mb maxim, I dont want to copy all my extensions and stuff that vivaldi would sync for me :T compressing and decompressing takes time, imagine having a simple file could be .json, .xml, whatever and just send it over the web in a inbox to yourself XD or even with bluetooth.I'm not complaining, I'm just asking you to imagine that scenario, imaging a tired developer, with a old pc without wifi connection, just sending a file across bluetooth or dont have to worry to "make space" in an old fashioned usb just to stored a lot of unnecesary data, now imaging, people who uses a lot of computers, copying and pasting folders, compressing and decompressing...
Maybe not an export button, maybe JUST centralize all the no sync configuration data in a SINGLE file :T I know that would be even harder, because that would mean reconfigure all the vivaldi file system :T
Plz considere the simple users who wants things done, and do not like to mess up with things they dont understand :T just please.
@Mpc46 Please see my first post on page one of this thread. I fully understand the need for this.
Like most of the current 3,800+ feature requests, this one shows no sign of being implemented yet.
@redqueen ... and when you need to uninstall & reinstall... Uffff!!!
Import/export user settings feature must be added in Vivaldi. It can save our a lot of our time when we have to create a new profile or setup Vivaldi on another machine.
Hello, I like Vivaldi, however, in my case, Firefox multi-account container is a thing. This Export/Import for User Setting is the most close Vivaldi can be to container in Firefox. So, perhaps to get it done is a long way to go, but please:
1 - start doing it right away, and 2 - Some of the member here came to the forum with some suggestion for what to do in the mean-time, please, don't do that, instead do a in-deep-detail step-by-step guide.
Finally, to me this Export/Import for User Setting is looking vital to bring more user to Vivaldi.
The worst thing for me that happened to Vivaldi in past year or two is this:
Don't get me wrong, it's awesome having options to customize menus and submenus. But moving some very usable options into submenus and making that the default menu structure is something I always disliked.
A fresh example: Today in my work laptop I decided to create another Vivaldi profile to separate personal and work activities. Everything was fine but when I saw this default context menu with "Developer Tools" submenu, it annoyed me again. In my main profile I manually edited menus, removed that [Developer Tools] (as Subfolder) and added Inspect instead. And it's not even in one place, I have to do it one by one for Page menu, Image menu, Link menu and so on and so forth. And I repeated this multiple times in different devices.
I wouldn't complain if it was only a few mouse gestures, keyboard shortcuts and small appearance settings that I always customize as well. The thing about menus is that they used to be normal but became something that I can't get used to and have to change.
Please, add feature to export and import settings or at least some parts of it.
As a new user looking for a replacement for Firefox, I am comparing features and facilities.
In Firefox, I can see all settings (about:config) in a single page and then use the 'save as' facility to capture the data. The saved page results in a human readable document. And since the page is rendered using HTML statements, the file can be read using an app to parse and save the data. Saving the settings in this way allows me to extract the data and to use it as state data which is kept for historical purposes. And then using Beyond Compare, I can discover any changes to the settings by comparing an old to a new version of that state data.
Will Vivaldi ever add an export facility or generate a browser page container all settings?
Export & Import would be useful, specially to import only some settings selectively.
yes, please implement export of user settings to a file (e.g. xml or json or binary or whatever)
syncing settings IS not exporting of settings they serve different purposes.
For example, to sync settings you need to use the same account.
One major use for exporting settings is to be able to apply them to other profiles.. obviously those profiles won't want to use the same account for syncing.
If you want to create a new profile and configure it like your previous ones, it is a real pain to manually go through each tab of the settings dialog and copy them by hand.
wait I just had an idea.
Can you use syncing with a special account to sync settings to/from.. and after you've copied the settings you can just replace that account with the actual vivaldi account for that profile?
then when you make a new profile, log in with the settings account... sync... then remove the settings account from sync ?
Hi and yes. I have a second account for testing sync issues and/or use it for my second stable test install.
On my second profile I use my first account once to sync passwords and bookmarks, then I disabled it.Cheers, mib
Ppafflick moved this topic from Vivaldi for Renault on
Export settings as .xml or .json file would be very useful. No need to copy/paste the default folder but just share a simple file. Because Vivaldi is extremely configurable compared to others browsers, it absolutely needs this feature will in Firefox, for example, it is less needed (but present with about: config).
I my case, I would like to share my config with my friends & family members. So i don't want to sync my account with them, but juste share this file.
Anyway, be able to sync settings like keyboard shortcuts, menu config, etc.. would be very nice too. -
All the answers that involve moving a copy of Default, may be great if all we need to do is duplicate a profile on an other device.
That is far from what is needed.
A Profile includes a whole lot more than just Settings, most of which I would NOT want replicated to a new profile. We need a way to save/copy/restore (to a different profile, if we so choose), the preferences that effect browser behavior: search engine choice, keyboard shortcuts, Tab behavior options, Layout, etc., etc., But void of any browsing data: history, sessions, bookmarks, cookies, etc.
I have (17) profiles today. In most cases I want the same tab behavior, keyboard shortcuts, etc. in all, but the only way to accomplish this is to tediously compare settings pages side-by-side. A month from now, I may change a setting, which if I want to use it globally, I'd have to edit each and every profile.
Perhaps we need a Global-Settings that apply to all profiles until overridden by individual profile preferences.
And/Or, let us export ~/vivaldi/Profile_n/Preferences to a file that is safe (no user data) to restore to a different profile, giving us ability to create multiple Default-Settings we can apply to new profiles. -
Upvoted for posterity.