Introducing Vivaldi Mail in Technical Preview
@mikestone said in Introducing Vivaldi Mail in Technical Preview:
Can we assume that Feeds will sync through as well? Not just the feeds, but whether an item is read or not, etc?
@mikestone , we have not enabled sync like that. We might offer that in the future, but no decision has been made on that at this time. As you know, we generally do what you ask us to do, so if you want it, it will be on our list.
@Steffie said in Address bar and tab fixes, better DRM support, plus the start of the Mail, Calendar and RSS Technical Previews โ Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2115.4:
Now that i have finally left the starting line, all these hours after everyone else, post-lunch i'm a gonna throw one of my POP3 email accounts at it & see what happens.
I woke up one of my hitherto disused POP3 email accounts to use as a low-risk guinea pig in our exciting new V-SS Mail facility. When i manually configured it in V Settings, it failed to complete, throwing a misconfigured error. I backed out & started over, this time letting V do it automatically, which surprised me by succeeding... despite the visible settings fields seeming to hold the same values as i'd recently tried with manually. Huh?
Almost as soon as the configuring completed, i was happy to see a few new messages arrived, so i infer that the config must be correct. However... so far, all attempts i have made to Send an email i have drafted, have failed. No matter how often i click the Send icon, nothing at all happens. Huh?
Other questions:
Will a future version allow us to optionally display the full headers for incoming emails, not just the abridged headers as now? I use the full headers in my Thunderbird setup.
In Thunderbird i make really extensive use of the Add-On "XNote++" to annotate myriad historic emails with important notes. I MUST have this functionality. Can i dare hope some future V version might provide similar functionality?
@Steffie My guess would be that SMTP is somehow misconfigured (wrong server name, wrong authentication protocol, wrong password or no password, whatever). I've not tried POP3 in M3 thus far, but it seems its working for the testers who have tried it.
@Ayespy Obviously i'm in no position at all to know for certain that you're right or not, but assuming you are, then Vivaldi sure does not make it easy for me to ascertain it. This plethora of green ticks would have fooled me...
For most mail systems, the outgoing server name is different from the incoming server - check to make sure that is correct.
@Steffie Do you have another mail client wherein you could verify those port numbers? My POP3 accounts use different ports for the most part, if they are not "secure" setups (110 and 25) or if they are secure setups, then 995 and 587.
The green checks mean that M3 tested those ports with the username and password you provided and got the expected response. So it thinks you're set up right. But you should still verify those ports.
@sgunhouse They are [correct AND different]. The same values work correctly in Thunderbird. Beats me, so far.
I had a sudden flickering lightbulb -- i run all my browsers in the Firejail sandbox, so maybe FJ is blocking something critical to the new mail component? Alas no, that ain't it ... relaunching V "naked", sans-FJ, makes no difference at all.
@Ayespy Ta. They work in TB.
@Steffie Frustrating.
@Ayespy Oh, it'll be MY stuff-up, for sure. It's just that i'm pretty talented wrt stuffing-up, hence at the moment i've still not uncovered exactly what my latest hideous mistake will have been. Still plodding away.
@Steffie Well, don't count on it, because you are not alone. Some others are having a "no response to the Send button" as well. Hmmm.
@Ayespy See! SEE!! It's not just any ordinary level of klutzness i possess. My tentacles are global.
@Steffie I suppose I can't argue with that...
@Ayespy Yep, don't get on my wrong side, otherwise i'll wreck yours too. Muhahahaha.
@Steffie You may have done so already - not only in M3 - and in retrograde as well. GMail has suddenly begun to reject any attempt to sign in to my 3rd (but only my third) GMail account by an M2 client on any machine anywhere, no matter what account settings I employ. You see, M2 is "insecure." Never mind that it works fine for my other two accounts... Your fault entirely, I'm sure.
@Ayespy Well, i did warn you...
@Steffie I have no defense.
Ugh, am now provisionally an Unhappy Camper... fear i have to take the @luetage nuclear option of building a brand new profile. Bwaaaaaaaaaah! Pls see these comparative pics.
The first two are from my real on-SSD V-SS with its years-old profiles... this one refuses to Send, with either Default or Test profile... and both have severely curtailed Mail panel contents.
This one is from my virginal V-SS in my EndeavourOS VM. It Sends AND Receives, & just look at its more fulsome Mail panel.
I am truly not looking forward to doing another rebuild coz it consumes many hours once all the finessing is over including regenerating all the speeddials. Grumble, moan...
I've not yet tried this, but might it be worth first trying deleting ALL files/directories in my real profiles called Mail, Calendar, Contacts, & anything else advised by Peeps Who Know Stuff?
Wow, that is HUUUUUUGE news !!! All the three services that I need !
@Steffie The last update was massive. Not only did Iย notice issues with the panel, but also certain problems with quickcommands and searches. It all went away with the reset. At some point profiles become too old to cope. And yeah, the more modifications you have in your install, the more painful it becomes to start all over. I wish Sync would take care of everything. In case of speed dials we canโt expect it to, would be too much data for the servers, just like notes attachments.