Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19
@Gwen-Dragon said in Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19:
I thought you could drag your myfile.user.js onto extension manager page and install it. That fails?
I tried it, it doesn't work.
First asking for M3
The new feature of periodic tab reload is a good one, but the userJS that @potmeklecbohdan write is better.
(function(){ let observers = []; function callback(mutationList, observer) { for (let mut of mutationList) { if (mut.type === "attributes" && mut.attributeName === "class") { if (mut.oldValue.split(" ").includes("hide") && !" ").includes("hide")) { ajaxify.refresh(); } } } } function watch() { for (let obs of observers) { obs.disconnect(); let idx = observers.indexOf(obs); if (idx > -1) observers.splice(idx, 1); } let node = document.querySelector("#new-topics-alert"); if (!node) return; let cfg = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: [ "class" ], attributeOldValue: true }; let obs = new MutationObserver(callback); observers.push(obs); obs.observe(node, cfg); } window.addEventListener("load", () => { watch(); // Have to use jQuery coz otherwise it doesn't work if (window.$) $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', () => watch()); }); })();
Take for example the Vivaldi Forum home , when there is a new topic or post the page make an alert "#new-topics-alert". The JS script recognize it and reload the page.
For example in the new feature you set the time to reload to 30 seconds, and even though there is only a new topic or post after 5 minutes the page will reload 10 times. With this JS script it will reload only once.
Please add this complementary feature, so the pages that send a #new-topics-alert will reload only when there is a new one (not considering the time set in this case)
@Gwen-Dragon said in Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19:
@kichrot UserJS files for web pages should have a special head and the file ending
I have JS scripts not for web pages, but for the VIVALDI interface. When I load them in the way You suggested, the scripts don't work.
Prior to this snapshot, my scripts loaded and worked fine via browser.html. -
@ruarí: Must be a bug?
What to do?
It would be much more useful to implement the periodic reload of the page in the side panel
I'm feeling soooooooo sad & forgotten, bwaaaaaaaaaaaah...
@barbudo2005 said in Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19:
Please add this complementary feature, so the pages that send a #new-topics-alert will reload only when there is a new one
I fear this only works for NodeBB fora, or maybe even only for this forum.
@Steffie I thought I’m the only one doing this… (though I find it manually)
I’m wondering if this is still true (coz it’d mean it’ll take more time than usually to get into
)[Linux][Regression] The repository is not currently up to date with this build: it will be added later
@potmeklecbohdan said in Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19:
I find it manually
Ooooh! Pls tell. 🥺
Aha, saw your edit -- yes, i imagine you're correct. Sigh. Oh well, back to windoze for me then...
This snapshot and the previous one are broken for me. I can no longer right click on most things. it just doesn't appear. The "show closed tab" button also doesn't open even when there are closed tabs to open.
Please help!
@steffie: I listed this in the known issues from the start. We have some internal server changes at the moment, that mean I cannot (easily) sign an updated version of the repository right now. This in turn that means that unofficial repos like that one will not have been notified of new builds, since they check the official deb repo for updates.
If you want the build and cannot wait, remove the current Arch package and install via the install script linked above. You will however need to specify the version via a command line option (use
for help with how the script works) -
@Gwen-Dragon said in Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19:
@kichrot Please open a new thread for this, in
@thedragonreborn: Read the know issues
@Ruarí Ta, yes i did read it there a couple of hours ago, then managed to forget all about it , til reminded by @potmeklecbohdan . It's approaching pumpkin-o'clock here, so i shall hope that once i'm back at pooter in the morning maybe some magic fairy dust might have been sprinkled.
@potmeklecbohdan said in Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19:
@barbudo2005 said in Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19:
Please add this complementary feature, so the pages that send a #new-topics-alert will reload only when there is a new one
I fear this only works for NodeBB fora, or maybe even only for this forum.
@potmeklecbohdan Ok, but it is so good that it is worthwhile to install it only for Vivaldi Forum.
For those who want to have it you need Tampermonkey extension. the Dashboard, click the new script button "+":
Replace "// Your code here..." with the script, change the name at "// @name New Userscript", in "// @match " write* and save it :
Besides, the Vivaldi Forum has "Infinite scroll" so why not could have "Automatic reload when there is a new post"?
what a fantastic september! first we got (allmost) configurable context-menus, now auto-reload. what's next? an internal mail-client?!
@derDay Any word on M3?
Wow, periodic tab reloading! Waiting for this since Opera 12! Thanks a lot!