Minor update (2) for Vivaldi 2.8
Many thanks to the Vivaldi team
All tabs now behave normally again, after a reboot
Good and efficient work: βMinor update (2)β!
Many big thanks to the team responsible for Vivaldi Browser!Thanks!
updated -
Amazing! Such a quick fix. You rock! Thank you sooooooo much!
Still disable to navigate between search box suggestions with keyboard arrows keys... Since 2.3 version, the only one navigation method allowed in search box is using TAB key. A poor and useless method...
I just found that Chromium 78 removes the Overlay Scrollbar feature in the flags page. Is there a way Vivaldi can keep that feature for the upcoming releases?
Thanks for the update, amazing job guys!!
@rodrigomelo: Can't agree more.
@rodrigomelo Not useless; it works just as well as down arrow, Shift+Tab is a bit awkward to go up.
@jaibamon: hardly. Vivaldi doesn't have the manpower to keep such chromium features alive.
You could have a look at moder scroll. I've put a lot and effort in it so it is as customizable as Vivaldi
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/modern-scroll/ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp -
@Christoph142 "To use it in here, you need to transfer a license from Chrome" no way I'm installing chrome just to test an extension, you need to find another way to make us try it
@ian-coog: there is none. Believe me when I say I tried everything.
Vivaldi can't authenticate against the chrome web store -
@pesala: Still bugged to me. Arrows keys not works in search box since Vivaldi's 2.2 version. Before I was used Windows 7 SP1, after I update to Windows 8 and now I use Windows 10 Pro with same bug using arrows keys to navigate autocomplete list of search box. Only TAB and SHIFT+TAB works, but this method offer a slow and poor UX in my opinion. Firefox, Maxthon and Opera works wonderfully well with arrows keys or TAB/SHIFT+TAB in any operational system I used.
@rodrigomelo said in Minor update (2) for Vivaldi 2.8:
Still bugged to me.
I never said it wasn't; only that it is not useless. The same goes for navigation of the Page Actions drop list, which I reported as (VB-49409). Tab and Shift+Tab work, cursor keys do nothing.
Does this one solves losing open(but non pined) tabs on closing vivaldi too?
@afshin-pir As far as I've noticed, yes.
Great work, 2 updates in a row, does the team also sleep from time to time?
@pesala: "cursor keys do nothing", that's the problem... All other navigators uses cursor keys for navigate between drop lists, less Vivaldi 2.3+. UX greatly improves if the cursor keys re-navigate these drop-down lists again, in my opinion. And there is another bug ... Even using TAB and SHIFT + TAB to navigate these lists, pressing ENTER on the best suggestion, the suggestion is posted clipped to the search engine. To solve this, I have to use TAB or SHIFT + TAB until I select a suggestion, then press the SPACE key and then press ENTER. I really like Vivaldi, but it is the only browser I know that has this bug in the search box suggestion list.
@rodrigomelo I cannot confirm your findings. Pressing Enter on the highlighted result in the list searches for that item with the selected search engine. No use of the spacebar is required. Tab and Shift+Tab are not as user-friendly as up/down cursor, but they are far from being useless.
The cursor keys work in the Quick Commands dialogue, but not yet in the Address Search field and Page Actions. They don't work in the Settings dialogue either. There too one must use Tab and spacebar (to toggle items on/off). Compared to most other apps, navigating the Settings Dialogue with the keyboard is poor, but it is not useless.
What you need to understand is that none of this functionality comes for free. Vivaldi uses its own UX overlay on the underlying Chrome code, and that has to be coded by the Vivaldi Team.
Strictly speaking, it is not even a bug β just a feature that has not been implemented yet.
I suggest turning off the search field and using search engine keywords in the URL field, e.g. type w cursor and press Enter to search Wikipedia for cursor. In the URL field the suggestions can be navigated with the cursor keys.
@rodrigomelo This is another workaround that may suit your better:
@iAN-CooG said in Arrow keys in Search Box:
Disable num lock/caps lock/scroll lock. They are interfering with the keyboard navigation in Search field. Reported months ago and still not resolved.