Snapshot 1.0.435.29 - Vivaldi 1.0 final RC1
Search suggest for Wikipedia, and DuckDuckGo for other regions (VB-14705)
not here… any specific restrictions or should it be general?
(Czech republic; search suggestions ALLOWED) -
Here my bug reports not fixed yet:
VB-10368: Tab history is limited to 6 webpages after restart
VB-13714: Wrong Speed Dial favicon after Vivaldi starts
VB-12547: Find in Page cannot be closedMy open feature requests:
VB-13508: Add sort tabs within stacked tabsMinor:
VB 13510: toggle Ctrl-f does not close the search (but Esc works)mf
Still no e-mail client? Even on RC stage????
it's known that email client will come really soon after first final… (and sync as well but this might be a bit later – who knows )
They mentioned they would work on the email client after Vivaldi was released.
I'm on windows, I can confirm this. I'm a developer and I can tell you the problem: Google play music is retarded and thinks flash is still cool, Vivaldi is too cool for school doesn't use flash (I think) so google play music won't work. Even if vivaldi uses flash, it doesn't because flash uses NPAPI I'm pretty sure which is deprecated. I use Windows 10 x64, Latest Vivaldi version x64.
It works fine for me with no extra tricks/settings other than the default.
Yes. For me, this the one thing that must fixed before the final.
I have not looks at the PDF plugin for a while, but it strikes me as odd that there are no buttons for next/previous page (are they hiding somewhere?)
Is this something that Vivaldi could add, or is it outside of their control?
Opera 36 uses the same plugins, but shows a button to launch it.
This is known and a fix is in the pipe.
3Phase: "I think I nailed it. It seems that uBlock Origin was blocking something and 'hung' Vivladi when – going by the Task Bar icon -- the page was roughly 90% complete."
While clearing the decks for a clean install of this RC1 I noticed that the pages I had attempted to save as single files were (and are) shown as '7 bytes of 30 bytes'. The html w/o images are 25KB.
Incidentally when I opened the d/l panel while writing this, this column naturally narrowed, but I could no longer see what I was typing and the cursor was in the middle of my text. I had to scroll the cursor to the end of the text and then hit Enter, at which point everything jumped up into view so that I was able to continue. I assume this is a minor inconvenience but the way you chaps are going it won't be all that many weeks or months before minor inconveniences are all you have to keep you busy so you may like to make a note of it!
3Phase: "File/Save Web Page As/Web Page, Complete doesn't save anything and 'hangs' with the Taskbar icon showing a partially complete download."
This is not what I get. All I get is the window disappearing, and when I try again the list of files in the d/l folder is unchanged (not surprisingly).
I'm using the 32bit version under W8.1 64bit and 4GB RAM.
Glad you confirmed this problem, 3Phase. Regarding my first point about the YouTube video not being shown, did you get a blank space a bit larger than the size of a YouTube screen, below the first para of text? (Try it in another browser: it's a spectacular and almost disastrous example of the worst kind of car driver behaviour. You won't need to read the Dutch comments!)
Major annoyances:
- Crash when using Close Tab mouse gesture (VB-14914).
- Still no option to Close Tab and go to Right in options.
- No way to 100% disable Tab Preview feature (I'm using a .js modification for that).
Site annoyances:
- I keep getting logged out even if I mark "remember my user in Vivaldi". Also no way to save password!
- I can't use auto updater anymore, it takes hours to update. Link works fine.
Anyone is encountering disappearing passwords from manager on latest snapshot (filled as VB-14913)?
Is there a version where that didn't happen before ? That could help the devs pinpoint what caused that.
No, they started working on it from day one, but it's really hard to build something that won't lose your data…
But it will come, I hope, not far from now. -
Hi guys! Thanks a billion for the browser. It is better with each release. There is a small annoyance though: When we are writing in the URL, it seems that it lowercases the first letter in the field. It should not lowercase it.
Google suggestions don't work for me either. Bing, Wikipedia and DuckDuckGo are OK. I tried resetting search engines again, didn't help.
What URL do you have listed for Google search? Mine is
Using the uBlock logging feature and a little elbow grease I found the uBlock Origin 3rd Party list that leaves the Save As feature hanging in the breeze forever.
uBlock| Dashboard | 3rd-partyfilters | Multipurpose
Fanboy+Easylist-Merged Ultimate List aka fanboy-ultimate.txtLakeInHolland,
On the site you linked I get a purple box and a red box over a blurred page:- clicking on the text in the purple box I get a page with the player. Clicking on the player loads an advertisement for the Netherlands military, then the video loads and plays – scary driving! :shock: :- -
I did some testing…
OK - 1.0.420.4 (Developer Build) (32-bit)
OK - 1.0.422.8 (Developer Build) (32-bit)
STEAL FOCUS - 1.0.425.3 (Developer Build) (32-bit)
STEAL FOCUS - 1.0.429.5 (Developer Build) (32-bit)
STEAL FOCUS - 1.0.430.3 (Developer Build) (32-bit)
STEAL FOCUS - 1.0.435.26 (Developer Build) (32-bit)