Automatically sorting mail to a specific folder
Select a mail, use More > -
Thanks. I just checked the More drop down. The last two options are: Open in a new window and Save as event.
It does not contain a Create filter. It looks like I will need to email support. Last time I asked about something in relation to Round Cube they told me that they could not make any changes. -
At this point I'd consider solving the issue with a custom label instead of a folder. This is not quite as compatible across devices, but should work fine (I have not paid too much attention up to this point to be able to recommend specific filtering settings)
Just to make my favorite point: navigating a complex filter structure is usually slower than performing a simple search. For example, I need to select one email from client 1 and then hit 'E' to show my entire conversation history with that client. A keyword search is very fast, and if a filter contains a lot of emails a refinement search is required anyway. I understand that a structured systematic filter hierarchy may calm some nerves because things seem to be under control, but before going to great lengths asking someone to make changes, it may be more effective to try a different workflow.
And yes, Vivaldi still should get much better supporting folder based workflows to make a transition easier, but we don't know anything about if or when that is going to happen.
Hm, there must be a way to create filters in a mail account, really strange.
I don't use labels but it is maybe a way for your, I don't even use folders anymore. -
@mib2berlin In principle, it appears there can be a filter-by-account in Vivaldi Mail client. There is a setting when you are setting up a filter to select which folder is searched in to filter the emails. I'm not sure how well that works, as I've not tried any "search in" setting other than "All Messages."
@Ayespy last time I tried this (a while ago), selecting a specific account did the trick. I really dislike that Vivaldi keeps calling the mail panel items 'folders' when the large majority is not a folder. No wonder people are confused
@WildEnte "View" is a more accurate word, but most users won't understand what that means.
@mib2berlin you can't. @Ayespy and I were talking about limiting a search to the content of a view ("folder"), for example the inbox of a specific account.
All of this goes back to the following.
I have made custom folders through the webhost's mail server that uses the Round Cube interface.
These folders were synced into Vivaldi mail that I then check through the Vivaldi browser.When a specific client email arrives into the inbox I want that email to automatically be moved to the client folder I have made. This means client1 email arrives into the inbox and I would like for it to automatically be moved into client1 folder.
If this is done through a label/filter/etc does not matter as long as it is moved into the correct folder.
From various replies it seems that this is just not possible at the moment in Vivaldi mail. (Not talking about the Vivaldi Web Mail but the Vivaldi mail one uses through the Vivaldi browser.)
@paaljoachim I don't understand why, when client1 mail arrives, you can't assign it, exclusively, a client1 label. Then when you click on the button for client1 label, you will see only client1 emails. What is wrong with that? Why must it be "in a folder?"
I have filters and labels. If I click on the appropriate filter or label button, I get only client mails. I can scroll through them, search them, change their status singly or in bulk, anything I want. I don't need "folders" for this. The same works for my work emails that do not belong to a specific client firm, my data vendor emails, etc.
I'm not sure I understand why this would not work for you.
@paaljoachim Or is it because you want client emails to have their "inbox" label removed?
@Ayespy said in Automatically sorting mail to a specific folder:
I don't understand why, when client1 mail arrives, you can't assign it, exclusively, a client1 label. Then when you click on the button for client1 label, you will see only client1 emails. What is wrong with that? Why must it be "in a folder?
A label is added further below all the email accounts. I want to have a destination area (avoiding to call it folder right now) closer to the Inbox of the selected email account. I already have folders that were added through Round Cube so it would be nice to just use those to sort emails into.
I made a video and added it as unlisted to Youtube going through this feature. am learning along the way how Vivaldi mail works and using video to explain what I am trying to do makes it a lot easier for others to understand what I am trying to accomplish. The videos are added to Youtube as unlisted. As I learn more than I plan to upload videos showing various aspects of how I use Vivaldi and that will hopefully also teach others about some features of Vivaldi mail.
Main pointers:
Having destination areas (can be folders, labels, filters etc) inside the current mail account.
I can create a filter through cpanel -> Email -> Email Filters, but I figured that I would rather have Round Cube pure having all the emails come into the inbox and instead through Vivaldi sort emails.
I added an extra section going again through the sorting that I could do through cPanel which would be nice to have added to Vivaldi Mail.
Hopefully this clears up any confusing parts.
@paaljoachim I follow you.
What you are doing is accessing individual accounts one at a time, rather than using the All Messages view. You have your reasons, I'm sure.
I don't do that. Except very rarely, I keep my All Accounts view collapsed. Rather, I use The All Messages view, and pay little to no heed what account a mail came in on. I have six accounts set up, and I can tell you at a glance, if it matters, just from the sender and the title of the email, which account it came in on. And some of my clients, especially ones I've been serving for over a decade, will email me on any one of three different accounts. I only care that they are clients, that I know who they are, and they know how to reach me. I have told them all which account I prefer, but if they send me email to an address I'm trying to get rid of (a gmail address in each case), I just deal with it. I don't nag them. So for me, the All Messages view with filters and labels works beautifully.
One of my only few gripes at present is that I can't yet delete/remove/re-order/re-name the default labels that come built-in to the client. They are just in my way. I look forward to being able to customize or remove them.
Edit: I just checked, and default labels can now be deleted. So I deleted three of them. Also, I have Labels above Filters, because I use them more.
@paaljoachim I don't know if you have noticed, but you can customize the order and visibility of the general category folders in the mail panel. I move "Custom Folders," "All Accounts" and "Mailing Lists" to the bottom to get them out of the way, and hide the "Feeds" folder because I don't use newsfeeds.
@Ayespy said in Automatically sorting mail to a specific folder:
@paaljoachim I don't know if you have noticed, but you can customize the order and visibility of the general category folders in the mail panel. I move "Custom Folders," "All Accounts" and "Mailing Lists" to the bottom to get them out of the way, and hide the "Feeds" folder because I don't use newsfeeds.
Hey @Ayespy
I tried dragging the various category folders but that did not work in my Vivaldi Mail account.
I noticed that I can right click one of the main folders and select View and select which of the main folders are seen in the Mail account and which are not visible.
I have not figured out how to move the main folders around while in the main Mail interface.....Ahh there it is. Going to Settings -> Mail. There is a "Mail Panel Order and Visibility" section to where one can click the up or down arrow to move the main folder categories around. This was helpful as I can move the Filter to example the top, but I still want to sort mail directly into a destination area inside an email account as it becomes closer associated with the specific email account inbox.
@paaljoachim Filtering to "folders" is an ability that will come to the client. Hard to say when. But as I largely ignore accounts, Labels works quite well for me.
Good to hear that the current system works for you. I am still new and am still (call it) settling in. I notice things that I would like to see implemented for how I believe that I want the system to work so to speak.
One reason why I shared the second part in the video was to show more of how cPanel Email filter works as it also has the move message to specific folder.
Anyhow thank you for sticking around in this thread with me it is very much appreciated! Have a good night.
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