Crash on touchpad gestures
Problem occurs when trying to zoom any page with multitouch gesture on my M1 Air. It doesn't occur on sites where page itself handles the gesture - for example, Miro.
Also it crashes when I'm trying to autofill account data from Bitwarden's extension UI, but I'm not sure if it's a same problem.
- Wipe my profile
- Clear browser cache folder
- Fully deleted with AppCleaner
Issue persist for me for more than a year now.
When I open Vivaldi from a CLI, there's next output on crash:
[0717/] opendir /Users/drun/Library/Application Support/Vivaldi/Crashpad/attachments/b7347d37-61e5-45b3-9d3f-36176e5776fd: No such file or directory (2) [0717/] UniversalExceptionRaise: (os/kern) failure (5) [0717/] EXC_CRASH should not contain exception 12 [0717/] exception EXC_GUARD invalid in EXC_CRASH [0717/] UniversalExceptionRaise: (os/kern) failure (5) [1] 3875 killed ./Vivaldi
I can't see any Vivaldi*.crash files in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports.
Right now I'm using 14.4.1 Sonoma. Please write If I can add any useful information.
Dump file from /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Vivaldi/Crashpad. Tried to look at it by myself with WinDbg, but couldn't see much because of lack of experience.
I uploaded it to my server - please notify me if you have issues reaching it
Not sure what else I can do to use Vivaldi, to be honest - the only thing comes to mind is factory resetting OS, but it seems a little bit overkill for the task
Related numbers in Vivaldi's bugtracker:
VB-108129 (18 July)
VB-104168 (21 February)Right now I'm testing old versions of Vivaldi. Results so far:
- 6.0.2979.22 has issues
- 5.5.2805.38 zooming page working properly.
I'll test every build from archive to locate build which spawned issue. Hope it'll help.
Did homework
So, last working available build is 5.7.2921.68. Crashes started on 5.8.2978.36.
I can't believe I'm only one with this specific problem, since I don't have third-party touchpad and/or utilities installed which can make such impact (like Mos or BetterTouchTool - I deleted these to make clear results).
If you are just passing by, reading this and use M-series macbook - please write here. Do you have this behavior?
@Drun said in Crash on touchpad gestures:
If you are just passing by, reading this and use M-series macbook - please write here.
I'm close to the description: I use M-series mac minis with the apple track pad.
@Drun said in Crash on touchpad gestures:
Problem occurs when trying to zoom any page with multitouch gesture on my M1 Air
Zoom by pinching works for me without crash.
@Drun said in Crash on touchpad gestures:
Also it crashes when I'm trying to autofill account data from Bitwarden's extension UI
The Bitwarden extension also works for me without crashing, but I'm not sure whether I'm using Bitwarden in the same way as you do. I just click on the "username" box, then click on the Bitwarden extension icon in the Tool Bar, and select the account.
@ryofurue thank you for your reply.
Yes, Bitwarden's related crash happens for me when I'm autofilling same way. Strangely enough, filling credits with shortcut works just fine.
I installed two versions side by side and recorded a video with bug representation. Not sure if it helps somebody, but still.
@Drun said in Crash on touchpad gestures:
I installed two versions side by side and recorded a video with bug representation. Not sure if it helps somebody, but still.
Thank you. Your video is a very clear demonstration of the crash.
Unfortunately, all you can do is to submit a formal bug report. It's such a clear reproducible crash that the devs will surely look into it. If they can reproduce your crash on their side, they will fix it. If they can't, nobody can do anything more. . . .
Hello, there is a potential fix for this already in the pipeline. It will hopefully be in the next snapshot release.
The latest snapshot (released today) has the fix for this issue.
@tomashaarde Thank you so much! Issue is fixed for me, and I can't be more grateful.
PS: Structured synced tabs is something I can appreciate even more than this bugfix. Awesome!