BUG: Hotkeys stop working...
We can delete stored data for the current website via...
address lock icon > cookies and site data > manage on-device site data
...then click on the trash icon for each item. But after doing so, in some cases, hotkeys stop working and we can't reload the page via hotkey [F5]. You can test by going to...
...and NORMAL CLICK the "tcbmi.com" search result, which will open in a new tab. Then do the deletion procedure in that new tab. As a workaround, we have to click on the page first, to focus it, before hotkeys work again. Note this bug doesn't happen if we MIDDLE CLICK the "tcbmi.com" search result--another bug happens instead in that new tab, in which, after doing the deletion procedure, the address field gets focussed with unexpected visual outlines. Please fix.
[bug reported VB-107938]