Does Calendar GUI Need A Tiny Change ??
When working in Month Calendar view & user needs to view another month, it's easy & intuitive. Just click on the Drop Down Menu next to the Month. Select the Month and it's done.
However, if user needs to move from one year to the next, it's different.
Calendar does offer many views, i.e. Month, Year, Day, Week and so forth and clicking on any one of those jumps right to those views. Great!But, if for some unknown reason, the user elects to work in that center monthly drop down menu to change to a different year, it goes like this:
(1) In the Month view, click the drop down arrow
(2) On the year line you will see < Today >
(3) clicking '<' displays last year. Clicking '>' Displays next year
Certainly, not a big deal, but not so intuitive IMO.