Annoying Google Login Box poping up constantly
In Vivaldi latest version, there are now constant Google Login boxes popping up whenever a page has a google Single Sign ON (SSO).
This is very annoying, and also creates currently much confusion in our team, with people not so digital-literacy clicking since they think it is a regular login and hence creating new Google SSO user accounts on the fly.Is this a new Vivaldi "feature"?
How can it be disabled?
(and if yes: feedback: why is such invasive stuff (again) enabled automatically for everyone from the start? If it comes from Vivaldi, the team seriously has to rethink their UI/UX approach and not enforce such things on everyone. Also such Megacorporation with their Surveillance Business Model (term by President of Signal Foundation, Meredith Whittaker) should not be promoted to users) -
Same as
Third-Party Sign-in is not new, has been around for years, it's a web standard and is supported by most major browsers. Vivaldi's support is built-in to Chromium. of making up theories about "Megacorporations" it helps to you know just "google it"
@vonSeiten said in Annoying Google Login Box poping up constantly:
Is this a new Vivaldi "feature"?
No, some nasty shit of the visited website.
@vonSeiten said in Annoying Google Login Box poping up constantly:
why is such invasive stuff (again) enabled automatically for everyone from the start?
Invasive? – No. But nagging.
Enabled because browser at startup should work for unexperienced new users.
Making a browser "ultra-private" as you suggest, will break many sites. -
Having not forced login dialogues from third parties is not at all "ultra-private".
Again, besides the privacy issue and promoting mega corporations, this is super confusing for users not 100% familiar with technology. It is simply a bad UI decision.Vivaldi needs a better approach on how to introduce new features. A dialogue at start asking: do you want to enable or disable this new thing" is often a standard in software and not to much to ask for.
Then users can make an Informed decision.
And not click something which looks like a legit login, despite having already a normal user account on a site. -
@Pathduck said in Annoying Google Login Box poping up constantly:
Instead of making up theories about "Megacorporations" it helps to you know just "google it"
What theory? It is like that.
Google is a Megacorporations (aka very big one) and it doing business with user surveillance. -
@Pathduck Yes, but the popups are new.
So these particular SSO popups are not introduced by Vivaldi? Others browsers do not have the popup, also not Chromium based like e.g. Edge. -
Hello. This is not something Vivaldi has introduced recently. This has been around for a while. It is annoying indeed. I looked it up why this occurs, and if I remember correct it has something to do with a script inside the website. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I've seen it multiple times when used to visit reddit and I was logged in a google account. Once I was logged out, it was gone. Can you check if that's also the same in your case?
@vonSeiten said in Annoying Google Login Box poping up constantly:
So these particular SSO popups are not introduced by Vivaldi?
No, Vivaldi had not introduced them, such exist on all Chromium related browsers.
Such nagging login popups existed since months and years on some web sites. -
This post is deleted! -
To elaborate on the image @Pathduck shared, here are instructions to disable this feature (this is macOS, should be similar for other operating systems):
- Menu bar → Vivaldi → Settings...
- "Privacy and Security" in the left column
- Scroll down to "Website permissions"
- "Global permissions" on the left side → Scroll down the right side and change "Third-Party Sign-in" to "Block"
Note this setting seems to only allow the Allow or Block choices; "Ask" is not accepted.