New url autocompletion/tab open
This is about the new url autocompletion and open a tab with that url in it.
How can I turn that off? I want it to autocomplete like it did before the update, but not try to autocomplete and open one of my tabs that has that url. I've looked at all the Tab settings but...??
Thank you!
Edit: It's this feature, it starts to autocomplete the tab url. I don't want this on: Address Field Updates: To improve web navigation, we’re giving you a Tab Switch feature where when you start typing a URL and it’s already open in a different tab, you can simply select the Switch to Tab button near it and open the existing tab containing the same URL.
@lisating Been discussed before - in Settings > Address bar, in the Dropdown section clear the checkbox next to Open tabs.
@sgunhouse OK I had been in there. I'd messed with the Address Autocomplete options but I didn't realize the boxes in the dropdown section were for that ... thank you so much!