File Vault & Lock
I Love this app very much & it is even with all of my heart soul mind + everything of which is apart of me badly so much it is infact /indeed a main Line 3rd part browser but un Like so many or well Actually most if I should be exact which only thrives off of it's popularity Like chrome which isn't really 3rd party Vivaldi actually has non minimalistic non basic features it can Auto switch in to a much different ui color scheme which is based on which site domain a user visits much Like how a chameleon will in it's environment plus a ton of a different variety of stuff I can't possibly ever try counting my self but now I wanna see just a few more such as a file /Data Vault in which you may keep downloads within the app away from public access of all spies /intruders but I mean duh a browser is by far the #1 most personal app you can ever possibly find away from Adult apps or social media which a browser is all in one and it can do it all with not much a need for a specific app & Lock will keeps all of Vivaldi users fully 100% private /secured Literally 24/7 when or if a device is Lost of Left anywhere as now even kids can pick up a device of an Adult searching it and finding so much things they shouldn't be witnessing