Start VIV MAIL over again
I've decided that I want to start VIV MAIL over again
I can't figure out a way to start VIV mail fresh.
When you delete the account and start over, once you reset up the account, the old labels show up again. I thought deleting an account would remove those labels and everything?I did select remove passwords, and delete data from Viv.
I even deleted the mail folder inside of my profile. Nope, the old labels were re-created when I reset the account back up.
How can I start Viv Mail fresh, without having to delete my whole viv profile, even though I use sync.
ModEdit: Title
@CWM030 Once an e-mail account is deleted, then added back anew, the labels/folders you see, automatically populate from your mail provider's server.
@edwardp I use old school POP3 though.
@CWM030 I don't use POP3, sorry. But when deleting an account in the Vivaldi Mail client, there is an option to delete any saved messages during the account removal process. But please note that if you choose to delete them, they will likely be unrecoverable once deleted.
@edwardp if the mail data folder (Mail in the profile path - see help -> about for the path) is copied somewhere before scrubbing the data, then the messages can be imported again:
file -> import -> mail files -> [choose account and folder] -> choose -> select the data folder and it should take all messages contained below
If you bulk import everything to e.g. inbox and want to show sent mail as sent, you can do this afterwards:
filter all items sent from your address -> select all -> right-click on one of the messages -> move