Speed dial now remembers the active (speed dial) tab after closing, please change back or make this an option
The Speed Dial now remembers the active (speed dial) tab when you open it again after closing.
Old behaviour:
-Open Speed Dial, it opens on Tab 1
-Change to Tab 2
-Close Speed Dial
-Open Speed Dial, it opens on Tab 1New behaviour:
-Open Speed Dial, it opens on Tab 1
-Change to Tab 2
-Close Speed Dial
-Open Speed Dial, it opens on Tab 2I don't like this because:
- My most used bookmarks are on the first tab, so when I open the speed dial most of the time I'm going to need something on the first tab.
- When I click a button to do a thing, I expect the exact same thing to happen every time.
But now it opens up on some random (ok, not random, but it might as well be) tab, so I have to spend extra time and mental effort to figure out where I am and if I need to change tabs or not.
When you open the Speed Dial a hundred times per day, that adds up.
Please either change this back to the old behaviour, or add an option so we can choose which one we want.
Thank you and best regards.
@BlueShulker This may help. I use only one Start Page, but I have two folders on it with more speed dial bookmarks that I use frequently, but not as often as those on the Start Page itself. I hide the Start Page Navigation.
New tab always opens the same Start Page.
Instead of clicking on the navigation bar, clicking on the folders opens the other pages of bookmarks.History, Notes, and Calendar can be opened from the Panel Toolbar.
I would also be happy if this could be changed back to the old behavior or at least be an option.
To be honest, I wanted this feature at the beginning, but I got used to the old behaviour and now it annoys me so bad. Upvoted to make this feature optional.