Create mail list to send message to several recipients
I need to send the same message to several people. Each recipient should get the message but not see the identity or email of the other recipients. BCC: is a workaround but not ideal.
Can this be done in Vivaldi?
@halberstadt there are exactly two ways to do this. Either send the email to every person individually, or send the email once with everyone in bcc. This is not a limitation of Vivaldi Mail, but of how email works.
@WildEnte There are various email clients that allow one to set up "group" emails, and send to the group without listing out all members of the group in the header. There are two potential applications for this: Enterprise internal emails, and mass marketing emails. Vivaldi's mail client is not really aimed at either of these markets, but it's entirely possible it could acquire the "group" email feature at some point...
@Ayespy and the emails are sent with everyone in bcc or automatically split into individual emails. Just done automatically using some tool tailored for mass mailings.
@WildEnte Generally, the function used is BCC. It's just not shown as such in the header. All that's shown is the "group" or "team" name. I have a client firm that does this. They send me emails cc:ed to this name, that name, and this "team." If I reply-all, they receive an email addressed to the sender, to the cc: parties, and to the "team." Their local exchange-type server interprets the team name as a BCC list and sends copies to everyone on the team.
@WildEnte Another firm sends me emails addressed similarly, but they do not have proper group emailing set up. Their team names only work internally. If I reply-all to them, I always get a bounce notice telling me "Adams Team" cannot be found on the server. All of the other reply-all recipients get their emails.
@Ayespy so the server is set up with either a shared mailbox or one that Auto forwards or something like that. In the end, the email is either sent multiple times individually to single recipients in the To field, or as one email to everyone at once in bcc, with some fancy spoofing of the sender address for replies (which is then either resolved and auto forwarded or going into the void).
There are tools and server setups tailored to convenient mass and group mailings (usually for marketing purposes). Vivaldi Mail does not (and should never) support automated mass mailings, so the only alternative is manually adding everyone in bcc or sending individual emails one by one.
@WildEnte I agree.
Thanks for the helpful comments. For larger mail lists I use Mailchimp. I was looking for something better suited to 20-30 addresses.
I don't like to use CC: because of privacy concerns.
BCC: is unable to have a salutation tailored to the recipient, like: Hi, John; Hi Mary; etc.
I asked because I thought I might have overlooked the capability.
Again, many thanks.