Is there a Limit on the Number of Tabs?
I use a LOT of tabs. Today, I tried to add another tab to the window I had been using and immediately another window was opened. I don't want other windows opened. What can I do to stop Vivaldi from opening new windows???
@mscarrington This topic is in it's own window with the tab reading "Is there a Limit on the Num...". No other tabs are open. But now, if I press the "+" I can't open another tab. Rather, another window opens and allows only one tab. I don't like this at all.
@mscarrington To the original question, of course there has to be a limit on the number of tabs in terms of available resources. Even blank tabs require memory to track their existence and location, window, workspace, erc., and rhen if it contains an actual web page you have even more.
Is there an artificially imposed number that limits the count before you'd reach the point of crashing the program? Not that I'm aware of.
As far as what you describe in your second post - I don't know your settings or if you were in some special type of window (it is known that windows opened for pop-ups only allow one tab, for example) so I don't have enough information.
Hi, for testing I had 2300 tabs in one window open and I know users with 4000 tabs.
I don't think there is numeric limit only a memory limit, if you reach it Vivaldi would crash.
There was reports about the + open a new window but cant remember the cause but I bet an extension does this.Cheers, mib
@mib2berlin & @sgunhouse Thanks guys. It sounds like I've got a setting wrong. I don't know where to start but it's sounding like that's where my problem lies.
Again, thanks.
@mib2berlin, 4000 tabs! Good grief.
@mscarrington The known record is actually for Firefox, not Vivaldi, but no doubt someone will at least try to beat it.
Last month a Firefox user reported having had 4750 tabs open for the last 2 years and posted pictures to back his claim. Though he also mentioned having had to recover them a time or two after installing updates.
Personally, I prefer to bookmark things so I can go back to them later, so I doubt I've even had 20 open at the same time. I have had more than 10 when comparing among search results, but then close all but the most useful before opening the next page of results.