Command chain to move tab to specific workspace
I was hoping to write a command chain that would let me move a tab from my default/current workspace to my personal workspace.
I have a Work - workspace, and a personal Workspace to separate the two, and often I will get a tab open in the wrong one, and I was hoping to easily write something to move it to my personal workspace so that I can deal with it later.
However I cant see any "commands" that deal with move tab to workspace so that I can specify this somehow.
Up to now, command chains was something I never thought. would need, and this seemed like a scenario it was intended for? OR do I have to do this some other way?[link text](link url)
However I cant see any "commands" that deal with move tab to workspace so that I can specify this somehow.
Go to Settings, Appearance.
Choose in Menu Customization: Tab
Drag and drop the Command "Move Tab" and over it drag the Command [All Workspace Destinations]
The same with " Move Tab Stack".
In [All Workspace Destinations] choose "Show Shortcuts in Menu"
You obtain:
Oh thank you - I hadn't though about adjusting the menu. My layout seems a bit different than what you are showing (I'm on a mac with 6.7.3329.27 (Stable channel) (arm64) - and it seems that All Workspaces is already in the Move Tab menu - but unticking the Show as Subfolder is a big improvement. However I don't have an option to Show Shortcuts in Menu? Is that a version thing? I guess I can get around it by naming my Workspace carefully so its first letter works -e.g. 1-Work or something like that - but its odd that mine is different?
Also - is there an easy way to assign a shortcut key to avoid the menu altogether? It seems like this menu customisation is the crux to what i'm after? Or do I have to do this some other way - to get a rapid way to move a tab (as I just have 2 workspaces, it can be a very simple shortcut that I'm after - which was why I though command chains might be the way to do this... although I now see that Vivaldi has even more features than I realised - which is pretty cool).
@macta I don’t use workspaces. I have just one workspace for testing purposes, which I use all the time, and a default window for the weather forecast.
I created a command chain to move the active tab from my default window, to my default workspace (= Workspace 1).
- Focus Address Bar
- Delay, 10
- Copy
- Delay, 10
- Close Tab
- Switch to Workspace 1 (Change for your specific workspace)
- New Tab
- Delay, 10
- Paste and Go
I assigned a shortcut of Ctrl+Shift+1 to that command chain (and also tested it on the Tab Menu). It seems to work as expected.
I hadn't thought of using copy past to move windows between workspaces - I had expected the move tab commands to be natively available for a command chain to use (and it seems odd to me that they aren't) - but this does seem like an option to try.
The previous solution to adjust the menu is useful to know - but without the ability to assign a keyboard shortcut (from what I can see) it keeps me short of having an efficient way to do this.
This solution seems a lot closer - so thanks for chipping in.
@Pesala just revisiting this - how did you reliably get it swap to the correct workspace? I find that I struggle to select the correct workspace - my tab seems to appear in random places (and sometimes gets lost).
I think I'm confused how it numbers the workspaces (or maybe it just doesn't work) - e.g. what is considered Workspace 1 - is it the first item in the workspaces list (e.g. that seems to be default one - although I don't know what it is and how it relates to workspaces, and I can't get rid of it) - I do have 2 additional workspaces underneath that one that I created - my Personal one, and my Work one. Are these items 2 and 3 - or are they 1 and 2?
I think I understand why you have a default window and a single workspace as perhpas that works more reliably?
@Pesala Actually I figured it out - I think those Delay 10 timings are more critical on my laptop - I had to up them to 100 and then things seem to work more reliable. Thanks for giving me a clue to follow up on.
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