Files deletion : how to recover them
In Vivaldi Webmail, "manage folders" I accidentally deleted a folder in settings. How can I get it back, please ?
Any help would be very appreciated
@aurelia-allamele I just tested this and it seems that folder and all messages in there are unrecoverable. Also on my desktop Vivaldi install, (test) folder and (test) email are gone.
As an immediate thing you can do: If you have another device that is only occasionally syncing (in my case: smart phone) make sure that is not connected to the internet (to ensure it doesn't sync and doesn't also remove the folder and email), then start your mail app there. This might already give you a list of emails.
There may or may not be a way for staff to recover your email folder on the server. There is a "contact us" button at the end of this page
Maybe someone else has another trick up their sleeves...
@WildEnte Thank you so much for your reply...
That's really nice !I had hope...but well, i had a feeling they were deleted for good.
Thanks a lot !
In the Webmail interface, the only folders I see that can actually be deleted are Queue and Spam.
If a folder is deleted, it should be able to be recreated using the same folder name, but anything that was in the folder when originally deleted, would be gone.
@edwardp you can create custom folders, move emails into those, and delete the folder. There is a warning if you do that but once confirmed, folder and all messages in the folder are gone. This is a roundcube webmail thing - I guess one could make the case that while the folder should be deleted immediately, the messages in the folder should be moved to trash instead of being also permanently deleted.
@WildEnte I was going by the default folders.
It would make sense to move messages from a deleted folder into Trash, but I guess the current method of deletion is how IMAP works.