How to store browsing history without slowing down Vivaldi
Hello folks! Wanted to ask if there is a way to store my browsing history without slowing down the browser?
Asking this because I'm passionate about keeping a copy of my browsing history, so that I can re-visit certain web pages or links I may have earlier visited but didn't find them important enough to bookmark.
However, I've found that storing too much browsing history data on the browser makes it heavier and slows it down considerably.
Hence, if perhaps there were a way to upload this data to the cloud and remove it from the browser? This shall allow me to clear the software on my PC of all this data and store it on the cloud somewhere, where it could be fetched on demand.
Hi, Vivaldi sync store the history, you can sync and then disable history sync.
If you enable it again it update Vivaldi from the cloud and you have the old and the new history data.
Does not really make sense.
Set history to 6 Month or a Year should not slowdown Vivaldi but forever does for some user.Cheers, mib
@chronicler92 Hi - sure you can
- Select the dates you want to export, copy.
- Paste into text document
- Save document
- Delete from History
Or if you want to get fancy:
sqlite3 -csv -header History "SELECT urls.url as 'URL', urls.title as 'Title', urls.visit_count as 'Visit Count', datetime(visits.visit_time / 1000000 + (strftime('%s', '1601-01-01')), 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as 'Date' \ FROM urls, visits \ WHERE = visits.url;" > history.csv
Result => Nice CSV file to import into a spreadsheet etc.