AutoHide Tab Bar + Address Bar | Show on Hover
Can someone help with a problem like this? -
@Xiean for vertical tabs you have to use this code:
/** * Forum link: * Hides the tab bar and address bar when not hovering */ (function checkWebViewForFullscreen() { const webView = document.querySelector('#webview-container'), hidePanels = true, // set to false to not hide the panels verticalMargin = '0px', // 'var(--edge-like-border-radius) / 2', // set to '0px' to remove the margin left bookmarkBarPadding = '6px', // set to '0px' to remove the padding around the bookmark bar delay = 125, // set to 0 to remove the delay showAddressBarOnNewTab = true; // shows the address bar on a new tab - set to false to disable the feature if (!webView) { setTimeout(checkWebViewForFullscreen, 1337); return; } const positions = ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'], app = document.querySelector('#app'), browser = document.querySelector('#browser'), header = document.querySelector('#header'), mainBar = document.querySelector('.mainbar'), bookmarkBar = document.querySelector('.bookmark-bar'), panelsContainer = document.querySelector('#panels-container'), tabBarClassList = document.querySelector('#tabs-tabbar-container').classList, panelsLeft = document.querySelector('#panels-container').classList.contains('left'), tabBarPosition = positions.find(cls => tabBarClassList.contains(cls)), addressBarTop = browser.classList.contains('address-top'), bookmarksTop = browser.classList.contains('bookmark-bar-top'); let fullscreenEnabled, showTopTimeout, showLeftTimeout, showRightTimeout, showBottomTimeout;'fullScreenModEnabled').then((value) => { fullscreenEnabled = value.fullScreenModEnabled || value.fullScreenModEnabled == undefined; if (fullscreenEnabled) { addFullScreenListener(); } }); vivaldi.tabsPrivate.onKeyboardShortcut.addListener((id, combination) => combination === 'F11' && toggleFullScreen()); let style = ` .fullscreen-listener-enabled { ${generalCSS()} ${topCSS()} ${leftCSS()} ${rightCSS()} ${bottomCSS()} } #app:not(.fullscreen-listener-enabled) .hover-div { visibility: hidden; } `; if (bookmarkBarPadding) { style += ` .fullscreen-listener-enabled .bookmark-bar { height: auto; padding-top: ${bookmarkBarPadding}; padding-bottom: calc(${bookmarkBarPadding} / 2); } `; } const styleEl = document.createElement('style'); styleEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(style)); document.head.appendChild(styleEl); const hoverDivTop = createHorizontalHoverDiv('top'), hoverDivLeft = (hidePanels && panelsLeft) || tabBarPosition === 'left' ? createVerticalHoverDiv('left') : undefined, hoverDivRight = (hidePanels && !panelsLeft) || tabBarPosition === 'right' ? createVerticalHoverDiv('right') : undefined, hoverDivBottom = !addressBarTop || tabBarPosition === 'bottom' || !bookmarksTop ? createHorizontalHoverDiv('bottom') : undefined; function toggleFullScreen() { fullscreenEnabled = !fullscreenEnabled; fullscreenEnabled ? addFullScreenListener() : removeFullScreenListener();{fullScreenModEnabled: fullscreenEnabled}); } function addFullScreenListener() { app.classList.add('fullscreen-listener-enabled'); webView.addEventListener('pointerenter', hide); hoverDivTop.addEventListener('pointerenter', showTop); hoverDivTop.addEventListener('pointerleave', clearTimeouts); if (hoverDivLeft) { hoverDivLeft.addEventListener('pointerenter', showLeft); hoverDivLeft.addEventListener('pointerleave', clearTimeouts); } if (hoverDivRight) { hoverDivRight.addEventListener('pointerenter', showRight); hoverDivRight.addEventListener('pointerleave', clearTimeouts); } if (hoverDivBottom) { hoverDivBottom.addEventListener('pointerenter', showBottom); hoverDivBottom.addEventListener('pointerleave', clearTimeouts); } hide(); } function removeFullScreenListener() { app.classList.remove('fullscreen-listener-enabled'); webView.removeEventListener('pointerenter', hide); hoverDivTop.removeEventListener('pointerenter', showTop); hoverDivTop.removeEventListener('pointerleave', clearTimeouts); if (hoverDivLeft) { hoverDivLeft.removeEventListener('pointerenter', showLeft); hoverDivLeft.removeEventListener('pointerleave', clearTimeouts); } if (hoverDivRight) { hoverDivRight.removeEventListener('pointerenter', showRight); hoverDivRight.removeEventListener('pointerleave', clearTimeouts); } if (hoverDivBottom) { hoverDivBottom.removeEventListener('pointerenter', showBottom); hoverDivBottom.removeEventListener('pointerleave', clearTimeouts); } show(); } function clearTimeouts() { if (showTopTimeout) clearTimeout(showTopTimeout); if (showLeftTimeout) clearTimeout(showLeftTimeout); if (showRightTimeout) clearTimeout(showRightTimeout); if (showBottomTimeout) clearTimeout(showBottomTimeout); } function hide() { app.classList.add('hidden-top'); if (hoverDivLeft) app.classList.add('hidden-left'); if (hoverDivRight) app.classList.add('hidden-right'); if (hoverDivBottom) app.classList.add('hidden-bottom'); } function show() { showTop(); showLeft(); showRight(); showBottom(); } function showTop() { showTopTimeout = setTimeout(() => app.classList.remove('hidden-top'), delay); } function showLeft() { if (hoverDivLeft) { showLeftTimeout = setTimeout(() => app.classList.remove('hidden-left'), delay); } } function showRight() { if (hoverDivRight) { showRightTimeout = setTimeout(() => app.classList.remove('hidden-right'), delay); } } function showBottom() { if (hoverDivBottom) { showBottomTimeout = setTimeout(() => app.classList.remove('hidden-bottom'), delay); } } function createHorizontalHoverDiv(position) { const hoverDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '1.5rem'; = '100vw'; = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '10';[position] = '0'; hoverDiv.className = 'hover-div'; hoverDiv.classList.add(position); document.querySelector('#app').appendChild(hoverDiv); return hoverDiv; } function createVerticalHoverDiv(position) { const hoverDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '100%'; = '1.5rem'; = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '10';[position] = '0'; hoverDiv.className = 'hover-div'; hoverDiv.classList.add(position); document.querySelector('#app').appendChild(hoverDiv); return hoverDiv; } function generalCSS() { return ` #header, .mainbar, .bookmark-bar, #panels-container { transition: transform .5s, opacity .5s ease-in-out !important; } #header, .mainbar { z-index: 8; } .bookmark-bar { z-index: 7; } #header .vivaldi { margin-top: 3px; } #main { padding-top: 0 !important; } #webview-container { position: fixed !important; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; } #panels-container { position: fixed !important; } .extensionIconPopupMenu, .button-popup { z-index: 8; } footer { margin-top: auto !important; } .hover-div { transition: visibility 0.5s ease-in-out; } `; } function topCSS() { const topElements = []; let height = 0; if (tabBarPosition === 'top' || !addressBarTop) { topElements.push('#header'); height += header?.offsetHeight || 0; } if (addressBarTop) { topElements.push('.mainbar'); height += mainBar?.offsetHeight || 0; } if (bookmarksTop && bookmarkBar) { topElements.push('.bookmark-bar'); height += bookmarkBar?.offsetHeight || 0; } if (topElements.length === 0) { return ''; } let css = ` &.hidden-top { ${topElements.join(', ')} { transform: translateY(-${height}px); opacity: 0; } } &:not(.hidden-top) { visibility: hidden; } `; if (showAddressBarOnNewTab && addressBarTop) { css += ` &.hidden-top #browser:has(.internal-page .startpage) { .mainbar { opacity: 1; .UrlBar-AddressField { position: absolute; top: ${height}px; left: 25vw; right: 25vw; width: 50vw !important; } } } `; } if (bookmarksTop && addressBarTop) { css += ` .bookmark-bar-top-off .mainbar { padding-bottom: 5px; background: var(--colorAccentBg); } `; } if (bookmarksTop) { css += ` .bookmark-bar { margin-top: 0; } `; } return css; } function leftCSS() { const leftElements = []; let width = 0, tabbarWrapper; if (tabBarPosition === 'left') { leftElements.push('.tabbar-wrapper'); tabbarWrapper = document.querySelector('.tabbar-wrapper'); width += tabbarWrapper.offsetWidth; } if (hidePanels && panelsLeft) { leftElements.push('#panels-container'); width += panelsContainer.offsetWidth; } if (leftElements.length === 0) { return ''; } let css = ` &.hidden-left { ${leftElements.join(', ')} { transform: translateX(-${width}px); opacity: 0; } } &:not(.hidden-left) .hover-div.left { visibility: hidden; } `; if (tabBarPosition === 'left') { css += ` .tabbar-wrapper { position: fixed; top: 0; left: ${panelsLeft ? panelsContainer.offsetWidth : 0}px; z-index: 1; transition: transform .5s, opacity .5s ease-in-out !important; } `; } if (hidePanels && panelsLeft) { css += ` #webview-container { margin-left: ${verticalMargin}; /*margin-left: calc(-${panelsContainer.offsetWidth}px + ${verticalMargin});*/ } `; } return css; } function rightCSS() { const rightElements = []; let width = 0, tabbarWrapper; if (tabBarPosition === 'right') { rightElements.push('.tabbar-wrapper'); tabbarWrapper = document.querySelector('.tabbar-wrapper'); width += tabbarWrapper.offsetWidth; } if (hidePanels && !panelsLeft) { rightElements.push('#panels-container'); width += panelsContainer.offsetWidth; } if (rightElements.length === 0) { return ''; } let css = ` &.hidden-right { ${rightElements.join(', ')} { transform: translateX(${width}px); opacity: 0; } } &:not(.hidden-right) .hover-div.right { visibility: hidden; } `; if (tabBarPosition === 'right') { css += ` .tabbar-wrapper { position: fixed; top: 0; right: ${!panelsLeft ? panelsContainer.offsetWidth : 0}px; z-index: 1; transition: transform .5s, opacity .5s ease-in-out !important; } `; } if (hidePanels && !panelsLeft) { css += ` #webview-container { margin-right: ${verticalMargin}; /*margin-left: calc(-${panelsContainer.offsetWidth}px + ${verticalMargin});*/ } `; } return css; } function bottomCSS() { const bottomElements = []; let height = 0, tabbarWrapper; if (tabBarPosition === 'bottom') { bottomElements.push('#footer') tabbarWrapper = document.querySelector('#footer'); height += tabbarWrapper?.offsetHeight || 0; } if (!addressBarTop) { bottomElements.push('.mainbar'); height += mainBar?.offsetHeight || 0; } if (!bookmarksTop && bookmarkBar) { bottomElements.push('.bookmark-bar'); height += bookmarkBar?.offsetHeight || 0; } if (bottomElements.length === 0) { return ''; } let css = ` &.hidden-bottom { ${bottomElements.join(', ')} { transform: translateY(${height}px); opacity: 0; } } &:not(.hidden-bottom) .hover-div.bottom { visibility: hidden; } `; if (showAddressBarOnNewTab && !addressBarTop) { css += ` &.hidden-bottom #browser:has(.internal-page .startpage) { .mainbar { opacity: 1; .UrlBar-AddressField { position: absolute; bottom: ${mainBar.offsetHeight + 10}px; left: 25vw; right: 25vw; width: 50vw !important; } } } `; } if (tabBarPosition === 'bottom') { css += ` #footer { transition: transform .5s, opacity .5s ease-in-out !important; } `; } if (!bookmarksTop && !addressBarTop) { css += ` .bookmark-bar-bottom-off .mainbar { padding-bottom: -5px; background: var(--colorAccentBg); } `; } if (!bookmarksTop) { css += ` .bookmark-bar { margin-bottom: 0; } `; } return css; } })();
Some problems have surfaced:
- Tabs are now hidden, I want to keep them
- All panels are now transparent
- Problem with opening the address bar in some places
- the address bar is hidden even if the extension window is open or the focus is on the link bar.
@oudstand This is the closest to what I would like to have. What ruins it for me is that the sidebar is not showing, unfortunately. Is it something on my side? I don’t see anyone reporting it. Or is that how it supposed to be?
@Fromville said in AutoHide Tab Bar + Address Bar | Show on Hover:
@oudstand This is the closest to what I would like to have. What ruins it for me is that the sidebar is not showing, unfortunately. Is it something on my side? I don’t see anyone reporting it. Or is that how it supposed to be?
Ok, I get it — the sidebar must be set as floating panel.Now, if I could only find a way to make the bookmark panel behave the same way. Is it possible to add this functionality to this mod?